Managerial psychology - Study guides, Study notes & Summaries
Looking for the best study guides, study notes and summaries about Managerial psychology? On this page you'll find 28 study documents about Managerial psychology.
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- Summary • 25 pages • 2023
- R53,33
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IOP302 – Personnel psychology 
Study unit 1 – The historical background of industrial psychology 
 Personnel psychology is concerned with all aspects of the theory of psychology applied to understanding differences 
between individuals in work settings. Psychology is the scientific study of behaviour and the mind. Industrial 
psychology is a field of specialisation in psychology. 
 Major fields of industrial psychology: 
1. Personnel psychology: 
 Scientific study of individual d...

- Exam (elaborations) • 25 pages • 2022
- Available in package deal
- R56,14
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IOP2602 STUDY QUESTIONS FOR EXAM 2022. What is the importance of interpersonal skills? 
For a manager to have interpersonal skills I personally think is the most important and crucial attribute 
to have as a manger, reason being that once a manger have this skill they will be able to make better 
decisions when it comes to working with people. In this way managers will be able to attract and keep 
high-performing employees which are always in short supply in the market. Mangers who have a good 

- Exam (elaborations) • 25 pages • 2022
- R56,14
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IOP2602 STUDY QUESTIONS FOR EXAM 2022. What is the importance of interpersonal skills? 
For a manager to have interpersonal skills I personally think is the most important and crucial attribute 
to have as a manger, reason being that once a manger have this skill they will be able to make better 
decisions when it comes to working with people. In this way managers will be able to attract and keep 
high-performing employees which are always in short supply in the market. Mangers who have a good 

IOP2602 Summary Notes 2022
- Summary • 63 pages • 2022
- Available in package deal
- R52,40
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IOP2602 Summary Notes 2022. Organisational Psychology in Context 
What managers do 
Managers get things done through other people. They make decisions. 
Managers do their work in an organisation. Managers oversee activities of others and who are 
responsible for attaining goals in organisations. 
Management functions; 
 Planning – defining an organisation’s goals, establishing an overall strategy of achieving 
those goals and developing a comprehensive set of plans to integrate and coordi...

IOP2602 Summary Notes 2022
- Summary • 63 pages • 2022
- R56,14
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IOP2602 Summary Notes 2022. Organisational Psychology in Context 
What managers do 
Managers get things done through other people. They make decisions. 
Managers do their work in an organisation. Managers oversee activities of others and who are 
responsible for attaining goals in organisations. 
Management functions; 
 Planning – defining an organisation’s goals, establishing an overall strategy of achieving 
those goals and developing a comprehensive set of plans to integrate and coordi...

- Exam (elaborations) • 25 pages • 2022
- R56,14
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IOP2602 STUDY QUESTIONS FOR EXAM 2022. What is the importance of interpersonal skills? 
For a manager to have interpersonal skills I personally think is the most important and crucial attribute 
to have as a manger, reason being that once a manger have this skill they will be able to make better 
decisions when it comes to working with people. In this way managers will be able to attract and keep 
high-performing employees which are always in short supply in the market. Mangers who have a good 

- Other • 40 pages • 2022
- Available in package deal
- R56,14
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IOP2602 EXAM NOTES 2022 (SUMMARY) IOP2602 - Organisational Psychology 
Define the term “Management” and discuss the 4 management functions (10) 
Four management functions: 
1. Planning 
Defining organisation’s goals, establishing an overall strategy for achieving those goals and developing a comprehensive set of plans to 
integrate and coordinate activities. 
2. Organising 
Managers are also responsible for designing an organisation’s structure. Includes determining what tasks need to be...

IOP2602-Organisational Psychology EXAM PACK 2022.
- Exam (elaborations) • 342 pages • 2022
- R56,14
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IOP2602-Organisational Psychology EXAM PACK 2022. (1) What stages do groups pass through? 
1. Idea generation, implementation and termination. 
2. Introduction, high productivity and decline. 
3. Initiation, evolution, maturation and decline. 
4. Forming, storming, norming, performing and adjourning. 
(2) How would you describe a work group? 
1. A group whose individual efforts result in a performance that is greater than the sum 
of the individual inputs. 
2. A group that primarily interacts to...

IOP2602- Organisational Psychology EXAM PACK 2022.
- Exam (elaborations) • 342 pages • 2022
- R56,14
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IOP2602- Organisational Psychology EXAM PACK 2022. (1) What stages do groups pass through? 
1. Idea generation, implementation and termination. 
2. Introduction, high productivity and decline. 
3. Initiation, evolution, maturation and decline. 
4. Forming, storming, norming, performing and adjourning. 
(2) How would you describe a work group? 
1. A group whose individual efforts result in a performance that is greater than the sum 
of the individual inputs. 
2. A group that primarily interacts t...

General Tutorial Letter IPSHONT Hons BCom (IOP) year course
- Other • 44 pages • 2023
- R112,28
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Since the beginning of the twentieth century, a strong conviction has continued to develop that the human factor in industry deserves the same attention as technical and financial resources. Apart from economic and social considerations relating to industry and society, historically the needs arising from two world wars also underlined the importance of scientific knowledge regarding problems of human behaviour, such as those that occur in the selection, training and motivation of staff. People...

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