Pyc3702 notes - Study guides, Study notes & Summaries
Looking for the best study guides, study notes and summaries about Pyc3702 notes? On this page you'll find 20 study documents about Pyc3702 notes.
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This exam pack contains • Exam question papers • Memorandums • Summary of the course material • Additional notes. All of the best for your exams!

- Package deal • 5 items • 2020
- R350,00
- 1x sold
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PYC3701 exam prep covers entire book
PYC3704 Assignments and answers 2015 - 2020 and notes

PYC3704 Psychological Research Updated Memo Pack 2011-2019 & Assignments

PYC3702 Notes and DSM 5

Keep these packs for your honors modules, you will need them!

Anxiety disorders, obsessive compulsive and related disorders DSM 5
- Summary • 23 pages • 2020
- R130,00
- 1x sold
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PYC3702 SUMMARY NOTES. A culmination of the study guides, the prescribed textbook, and the DSM 5 manual all in one. No flipping in between the multiple resources as everything is found in the summaries of each chapter. I scored a high distinction with these notes which also helped at honours level to achieve another high distinction in Psychopathology (PYC4802).

Complete study package - PYC3702 - Abnormal Behaviour
- Package deal • 4 items • 2016
- R130,00
- 32x sold
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UNISA Module: PYC3702: Abnormal Behaviour. Comprehensive study notes in the form of text documents and visual presentations to help condense the large volume of work for this module into a more manageable workload. Content covers three tutorial letters/study guides and the textbook, Abnormal Behaviour. Pls note:Learning Units 7 & 8 not included.

Study Notes - PYC3702 - Learning Units 9,10,11,12
- Visual • 68 pages • 2016
- Available in package deal
- R50,00
- 3x sold
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UNISA Module: PYC3702 (2016) (3rd year). Slide presentations covering mental disorders. One view summary of DSM-5 criteria along with explanations of the disorders in a visual presentation that allows a quick, but comprehensive grasp of the material in the textbook and tutorials. Covering Trauma/Stress, Substance use, sexual dysfunction, depressive/bipolar disorders

Study Notes - PYC3702 - Learning Units 13,14,15,16
- Visual • 51 pages • 2016
- Available in package deal
- R50,00
- 4x sold
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UNISA Module: PYC3702 (2016) (3rd year). C Slide presentations covering mental disorders. One view summary of DSM-5 criteria along with explanations of the disorders in a visual presentation that allows a quick, but comprehensive grasp of the material in the textbook and tutorials. Covers suicide, schizophrenia/psychotic, neurocognitive and childhood disorders

PYC3702 - Study Notes - Study Units 1-5
- Summary • 29 pages • 2016
- Available in package deal
- R50,00
- 12x sold
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UNISA Module: PYC3702 (2016) (3rd year). Comprehensive summary of material covered in PYC3702 study guides (3) and textbook. Massive volume of work reduced to manageable workload. Syllabus covered: Units 1-5 (Understanding abnormal behaviour, prevention of abnormal behaviour, perspectives/models of abnormal behaviour, psychopathology from an African perspective.

Study Notes - PYC3702 - Learning Unit 6
- Visual • 33 pages • 2016
- Available in package deal
- R50,00
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UNISA Module: PYC3702 (2016) (3rd year). Try out this study tool for free. Visual presentation condensing material in Learning Unit 6 of PYC3702 (UNISA). Covers personality psychopathology and disruptive, impulse-control and conduct disorders

PYC3702 Notes and DSM 5
- Summary • 311 pages • 2015
- Available in package deal
- R95,00
- 2x sold
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Notes and DSM 5 made easy for examinations and assignments. Easy searchable document.

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