Vector calculus - Study guides, Study notes & Summaries
Looking for the best study guides, study notes and summaries about Vector calculus? On this page you'll find 17 study documents about Vector calculus.
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MAM2000W: Advanced Calculus Test 1 Bundle
- Package deal • 7 items • 2021
- R149,00
- 1x sold
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Detailed and understandable summaries of the MAM2000W advanced calculus test 1 content. Packed with exam problems and colourful hints. Contains all notes for vector functions and partial notes for multivariable functions.

MAM2000W: Derivatives and Integrals of Vector Functions Summary
- Summary • 21 pages • 2021
- Available in package deal
- R99,00
- 2x sold
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Detailed and understandable summary of the derivatives and integrals of vector functions. Packed with exam problems and colourful hints. 
- Background on derivatives of vector functions 
- Basic derivatives of vector functions 
- Point of tangency and tangent vector examples 
- Unit tangent vectors 
- Tangent line examples 
- Integrals of vector functions 
- Initial Value problems and examples

MAM2000W: Arc Length Reparametrisation Summary
- Summary • 13 pages • 2021
- Available in package deal
- R79,00
- 1x sold
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Detailed and understandable summary of the derivatives and integrals of vector functions. Packed with exam problems and colourful hints. Contains: - Background on arc length and how the formula are derived - Detailed method sheets for calculating both arc length and how to reparametrise - 3 Examples of finding exact arc length and arc length function - 2 examples of arc length reparametrisation

MAM2083F: Advanced Calculus Exam Bundle
- Package deal • 12 items • 2021
- R249,00
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Detailed and understandable summary notes of the MAM2083W Advanced Calculus course. *Only covers vector functions and multivariable functions completely* (Ignore the MAM2000W label, the content is the same)

Work through all note packs, in order, and you'll be ready to ace the test/exam. Notation has been simplified so it's easy to understand.

Concepts and Operations in n-dimensional Euclidean Space
- Other • 45 pages • 2021
- R50,00
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For every natural number n we define n-dimensional space as the set Rn of all ordered n-tuples 
x1 x2 xn where xi R for i 1 2 n. 
One-dimensional space R1 corresponds with the set of real numbers R. For n 2 we usually 
denote the ordered n-tuple x1 x2 xn by x, the ordered n-tuple a1 a2 an by a, and so 
on. If x x1 x2 xn, we say that xi is the i’th coor...

MAM2000W: TNB Frames (Unit Tangent, Normal and Binormal) Summary
- Summary • 4 pages • 2021
- Available in package deal
- Free
- 10x sold
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Detailed and understandable summary of the derivatives and integrals of vector functions. Packed with exam problems and colourful hints. Contains: - Basic introduction into TNB Frames - Explanation of what each unit vector means geometrically - Formula to calculate each unit vector - Proof of why the unit tangent, normal and binormal are mutually orthogonal

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