Colour coded - Study guides, Study notes & Summaries
Looking for the best study guides, study notes and summaries about Colour coded? On this page you'll find 328 study documents about Colour coded.
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Engineering math 115 Combination & transformation of functions, Trig identities
- Other • 28 pages • 2022
- Available in package deal
- R100,00
- 3x sold
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These notes are in a pdf format. 
- colour coded 
- step-by-step examples for each topic 
The notes cover the topic: Combination of functions, Transformation of functions, Trig identities

Donkerweb notes bundle
- Summary • 11 pages • 2025
- Available in package deal
- R160,00
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This set of notes works in cohesion with my Donkerweb summaries. Colourful and neat, this comprehensive set of notes takes the summaries and groups the information together, such as a character mind map, the plan of action to catch the Baker and all criminal activities throughout the novel. The notes are written with both English and Afrikaans and are colour coded. These notes helped me achieve an ieb distinction for Afrikaans in matric.

IEB Matric Biology
- Package deal • 9 items • 2025
- R550,00
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This set of notes summarises the entire section of biology from the matric ieb syllabus. Using these notes I achieved an ieb distinction in biology and got accepted into a health degree. The notes are colour coded and written simply to understand but offer all the required information. follow along with arrows and diagrams for easy studying.

Engineering math 115 Functions & types of functions
- Other • 17 pages • 2022
- Available in package deal
- R100,00
- 3x sold
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These notes are in a pdf format. 
- colour coded 
- step-by-step examples for each topic 
The notes cover the topic: Introduction to functions & Types of functions

Engineering math 115 Number sets, Inequalities & Absolute values
- Other • 17 pages • 2022
- Available in package deal
- R100,00
- 3x sold
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These notes are in a pdf format. 
- colour coded 
- step-by-step examples for each topic 
The notes cover the topic: Number sets, Inequalities & absolute values

Engineering math 115 Binomial theorem, Antiderivatives, Mathematical inductions, Definite integral & Riemann sums
- Other • 25 pages • 2022
- Available in package deal
- R100,00
- 2x sold
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These notes are in a pdf format. 
- colour coded 
- step-by-step examples for each topic 
The notes cover the topic: Antiderivatives, Mathematical Induction, Binomial theorem, Definite integral & Riemann sums

Engineering math 115 Continuity, The limit of a function, Limit laws
- Other • 32 pages • 2022
- Available in package deal
- R100,00
- 2x sold
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These notes are in a pdf format. 
- colour coded 
- step-by-step examples for each topic 
The notes cover the topic: Continuity, The limit of a function, Limit laws

Engineering math 115 Derivatives & differentiation rules
- Other • 27 pages • 2022
- Available in package deal
- R100,00
- 2x sold
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These notes are in a pdf format. 
- colour coded 
- step-by-step examples for each topic 
The notes cover the topic: The derivative of a function & Rules of differentiation

Engineering math 115 Chain Rule, Implicit differentiation, Trig derivatives
- Other • 23 pages • 2022
- Available in package deal
- R100,00
- 2x sold
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These notes are in a pdf format. 
- colour coded 
- step-by-step examples for each topic 
The notes cover the topic: Chain differentiation rule, Implicit differentiation, Trig derivatives

Engineering math 115 Max & min values, Mean value theorem, Derivatives & shapes of graphs
- Other • 22 pages • 2022
- Available in package deal
- R100,00
- 2x sold
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These notes are in a pdf format. 
- colour coded 
- step-by-step examples for each topic 
The notes cover the topic: Maximum & minimum values, Mean Value Theorem, How derivatives affect the shape of a graph

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