Memory module - Study guides, Study notes & Summaries
Looking for the best study guides, study notes and summaries about Memory module? On this page you'll find 26 study documents about Memory module.
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ECS2602 Only Study Guide Macroeconomics II
- Exam (elaborations) • 187 pages • 2022
- R60,15
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ECS2602 Only 
Study Guide 
Macroeconomics II. This is an all-inclusive guide to ECS2602 - Macroeconomics 
Macroeconomics deals with the economy as a whole and not the behaviour and decisions 
of individual consumers, households and firms, as in microeconomics. Furthermore, 
macroeconomics involves determining and exploring the relationship between aggregate 
concepts (variables), and not determining the prices of individual goods and services 
through the interaction of demand and supply. 
In th...

Psychology Chapter 13 notes - Cognitive psychology
- Summary • 3 pages • 2023
- R100,00
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Psychology notes based on the textbook "Psychology and introduction" the 4th edition by L. Swartz, C. De la Rey, N. Duncan, L Townsend, Vivien O'Neill. This document is about the topic of cognitive psychology.

AIN2601 - Practical Accounting Data Processing Semester 1 2022.
- Exam (elaborations) • 53 pages • 2022
- R65,79
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AIN2601 - Practical Accounting Data Processing Semester 1 2022. Option 1: 
• Using Windows Explorer open the CD/DVD drive 
• You will find the BDS T file under FET University Take on 
Option 2: Auto-run: 
7zip file 
winzip file 
• The CD has an auto-run function. 
• Click on Sage Pastel Partner. 
• Click on FET/University 
• Click on Take on. 
Q4 How do I open the BDS Tools company? 
A4 Firstly you need to copy the BDS T file to the Pastel 18 folder on your C: 
drive by doing t...

AIN2601 - Practical Accounting Data Processing Semester 1 2022.
- Exam (elaborations) • 53 pages • 2022
- R65,79
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AIN2601 - Practical Accounting Data Processing Semester 1 2022. 2.2.3 Assignment 02 on a paper printout submitted via post 
Regarding submitting… Assignment 02 via post, please note: 
• We will not accept hard copy printouts of your assignment 
Please note: 
• You can have your printouts scanned in at Q-Photo, Postnet or an internet café into PDF 
format if you want to submit it electronically. Remember to take a memory stick with you 
or a CD to save and take the files home with you agai...

Practical Accounting Data Processing AIN2601
- Other • 53 pages • 2023
- R124,06
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Dear Student 
This tutorial letter contains information about assignment 02 for semester 1. 
In order to be successful in completing this assignment, you are required to have the SAGE Pastel Partner 50c v19 software. Tutorial letter 101 contains all the necessary details pertaining to the order process of the manual and software as well as the relevant contact details you would require for technical assistance. Please refer to Tutorial letter 101 in conjunction with this tutorial letter to e...

Practical Accounting Data Processing AIN2601 Semester 1
- Other • 53 pages • 2023
- R150,38
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2.1.1 General 
a) Please diarise the due dates on which you are to submit your answers in respect of the various assignments so that they reach the university on or before the due date. Please allow adequate time for postal delays. 
b) PLEASE NOTE: Any assignment received after the due date will not be marked and you will receive 0% for the assignment. 
c) Please ensure that your student number appears in all the required fields of the assignment. Please refer to the instructions pertaining ...

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