Redox reactions - Study guides, Study notes & Summaries
Looking for the best study guides, study notes and summaries about Redox reactions? On this page you'll find 41 study documents about Redox reactions.
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Matric Electrochemistry Section Notes
- Summary • 4 pages • 2023
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- R150,00
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High Quality digital compact summary notes of Gr 12 Electrochemistry Section taken from class notes and the SAGS. 
Includes redox reactions (reduction and oxidation half reactions), half cells (electrodes, electrolytes, identification, diagrams, etc), Standard Hydrogen Electrode (SHE, standard conditions, standard cell potential, diagram), Galvanic Cells (structure, salt bridge, steps for analysis, movement of ions, rates and equilibrium, diagram) and cell notation. 
Electrolytic cells (cal...

Grade 12 Chemistry Notes Acids and Bases
- Summary • 6 pages • 2022
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- R300,00
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This is a comprehensive package of acids and bases examined in the final IEB school exams at the end of grade 12. It includes all the basic principles learnt in grade 11 but focuses on the necessary theory for matric chemistry. Each document is typed in a column format to help simplify the work, and includes an array of diagrams to aid learners in understanding the basics needed to get distinctions in physical science paper 2.
Everything you need to know about electrochemistry and the different types of cells. These notes include summaries as-well as visual descriptions. Enjoy!

Three Major Classes of Chemical Reactions (Lecture notes)
- Class notes • 7 pages • 2021
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Handwritten, colourful lecture notes on the three classes of chemical reactions: precipitation reactions including solubility rules, a summary of acid-base and redox reactions.

Chemistry summary
- Summary • 17 pages • 2022
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- R150,00
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Summary of all the content needed for grade 12 IEB paper 2 (including grade all 11 and 12 content). This was my final summary which I used to get an A in matric. 
Includes: Electrochemistry, Galvanic cells, Chlor-Alkali Industry, Organic chemistry (fantastic map summary on naming and properties), chemical equilibrium, reaction rates, matter and materials, polyatomic ions (list of common ones you need to know as well as their colours), Acids and bases and equilibrium graphs for reactions

Electrochemical Reactions
- Summary • 12 pages • 2021
- Available in package deal
- R60,00
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summary of Galvanic cells, Relation of current and potential difference to rate and equilibrium, Understanding of the processes and redox reactions taking place in galvanic cells, Standard electrode potentials, Electrolytic cells, Understanding the processes and redox reactions taking place in electrolytic cells
Grade 12 IEB Physical Science notes on Electrochemistry. Includes: redox reactions, electrolytic cells, galvanic cells.

Grade 12 IEB Physical Sciences - Redox Reactions Notes (Chemistry Section F 1, 2)
- Summary • 5 pages • 2020
- Available in package deal
- R50,00
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Covers the various sections relating to Redox Reactions, as per the IEB Physical Sciences SAG.
Includes notes from the textbook, as well as additional class, video and research information, diagrams and practice questions. 
Applicable to all IEB Grade 12s.
Written by a 95% < student.

Physical Sciences (chemistry) - Redox reactions
- Summary • 1 pages • 2021
- Available in package deal
- R50,00
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Detailed summary of Redox reactions. Includes all necessary definitions and formulas.

Chemistry: redox reactions
- Interview • 4 pages • 2021
- Available in package deal
- R50,00
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Very detailed explanation of redox reactions that help students understand all aspects of this section. Simple and easy to understand.

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