Ieb english - Study guides, Study notes & Summaries
Looking for the best study guides, study notes and summaries about Ieb english? On this page you'll find 902 study documents about Ieb english.
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Donkerweb Summary and class notes
- Summary • 100 pages • 2024
- Available in package deal
- R235,00
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this set of notes summarises the entire book in both English and Afrikaans (black writing English and blue writing Afrikaans)These summaries work best in cohesion with my Donkerweb in depth note analysis and the summaries are aesthetic and colourful. The notes summarise each chapter including additional class notes, facts about the countries visited, physical descriptions, plot line and important quotes or conversations. These notes helped me achieve an ieb distinction for Afrikaans in matric.

IEB English matric poetry notes 2023/2024
- Interview • 37 pages • 2024
- R390,00
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In depth and colour coded notes that gives key analysis on all 16 matric poems for class of . Skip the hassle of taking poetry notes in class which can feel rushed and confusing with this poetry study guide to help you ace prelims and finals. These notes helped me achieve in the top 1% of IEB candidates for English (class of 2023) and they can help you achieve your English goals with minimum effort.

Donker Web English-Afrikaans Vocabulary list
- Summary • 8 pages • 2023
- Available in package deal
- R99,00
- 14x sold
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A Comprehensive list of specific vocabulary used in Donker Web in English and Afrikaans translation. This is a must-have to study and be super prepared for the IEB exam.

Transactional Writing for Grade 12 English - All the formats
- Class notes • 20 pages • 2024
- R148,00
- 10x sold
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This guide contains all the transactional writing formats that need to be covered in preparation for the IEB English Grade 12 exams, along with explanations, examples, and past paper topics.

Grade 12 IEB English Home Language The Handmaid's Tale full summary, characters, themes, info and literary essay format
- Summary • 9 pages • 2022
- Available in package deal
- R99,00
- 28x sold
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This aesthetic, in-depth, digital document summarises the entirety of Margaret Atwood's 'The Handmaid's Tale'. It includes all characters and descriptions, general information about the novel, a full plot summary, all possible themes for literary essays, quotations and literary essay guidelines with examples of questions and paragraphs. 
Grade 12 IEB English Home Language paper 2: The Handmaid's Tale notes
This Document has all IEB English home language poems for the 2023-2025 period with annotations. It is all you need and more to study poetry.

Grade 12 Poetry IEB finial exams
- Summary • 63 pages • 2023
- R325,00
- 20x sold
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this document contains all poems that are in the IEB final english exam for grade 12 
to me fair friend 
the sun rising 
go lovely rose 
Ozymandias of egypt 
nobody looses all the time 
will it be so again 
moving through the silent crowd 
Namaqualand after rain 
the discarded 
strangers forever 
for oom piet 
the tenant

ieb english home language - language
- Summary • 22 pages • 2023
- Available in package deal
- R100,00
- 7x sold
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ieb english home language terminology and skills

Grade 12 IEB English: Theory of Flight STUDY PACK
- Package deal • 2 items • 2024
- R270,00
- 1x sold
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Extremely detailed notes on Theory of Flight themes ( with subtopics for essay writing) as well as quotes by theme and character. These notes helped me get 96% for English in my matric finals and I have no doubt that they'll help you too.
(All profit goes to the Restory Foundation)

IEB English HL Poetry (16 Poems; Line by line analysis)
- Package deal • 16 items • 2023
- R500,00
- 3x sold
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Nail English Poetry with Our All-in-One Pack!

Tackling 16 poems? Our notes have your back! Get the lowdown on all 16 poems in one go. Good luck with your finals, folks! Order now and own those exams! Lekker, bru!

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