Soweto uprising - Study guides, Study notes & Summaries
Looking for the best study guides, study notes and summaries about Soweto uprising? On this page you'll find 37 study documents about Soweto uprising.
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IEB History South Africa Section- 1970s
- Summary • 11 pages • 2020
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- R50,00
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Let's get straight to the point: Black Consciousness and Steve Biko, SASO, SASM, Soweto Uprising and everything in-between. The 1970s in Apartheid South Africa: read it, learn it, feel it , absorb it.
In Depth full explanation about Steve Biko, Soweto Uprising and background of Black Consciousness. Helped me achieve an 'A' in my final 2019 Maric Exam!

Apartheid: Civil Society Protests
- Summary • 14 pages • 2020
- Available in package deal
- R150,00
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Provides a complete summary on Topic 4

South African Black Consciousness Movement
- Summary • 23 pages • 2021
- Free
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This document is a summary of the events in South Africa during the time of the Apartheid and how the oppressed fought through different forms of resistance as well as the causes and effects of significant events. This document also has the names and roles of every person you need to know about for your Finals and Prelims. Some of the events include the Black Consciousness Movement, Soweto Uprising and more.

Civil Resistance in SA during Apartheid - Internal and External resistance - History Grade 12 IEB
- Summary • 14 pages • 2019
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- R60,00
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The following notes are in depth and detailed notes on Civil Resistance against apartheid. The notes are broken up in a way that is easy to remember for commonly asked source based questions by the IEB and offers a summary of a timeline at the end. The notes include the internal and external (international) resistance to Apartheid and the government's response

IEB History South African Notes 70s - Late 90s
- Summary • 15 pages • 2019
- R100,00
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Well written Mind map notes covering all topics of South African History in the IEB syllabus. These notes explore Steve Biko and The Black Consciousness movement along with The Soweto Uprising of 1976, They include all the problems facing the National Party, Total Strategy, Internal and External resistance apart of the Apartheid Crisis from 1980-1989, They contain the Beginning, Pre-negotiation and The Negotiation from Groote Schuur Minute all the way to the election, also showing the use of vi...

Civil Resistance Notes
- Summary • 31 pages • 2017
- Available in package deal
- R50,00
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In depth, chronological notes covering the Civil Resistance in South Africa section of the IEB History matric syllabus - according to the Subject Assessment Guidelines Document. 

•	Introduction
•	Black Consciousness
•	Steve Biko
•	Events of the Soweto Uprising
•	Reasons for the protest
•	PW Botha
•	Total Onslaught – Total Strategy
•	Reform and Repression
•	Internal Resistance to Apartheid
•	External Resistance to Apartheid

The notes are compiled from three different textb...

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