Angi’s - Study guides, Study notes & Summaries
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![PVL3701 ASSIGNMENT 2 SEMESTER 1 OF 2023 [578020]](/docpics/64529da24ba85_2363106.jpg)
PVL3701 ASSIGNMENT 2 SEMESTER 1 OF 2023 [578020]
- Summary • 8 pages • 2023
- Available in package deal
- R50,00
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Tebogo cannot afford to buy a car. She knows that she will have enough money to buy a car in six months’ time. She is interested in buying her friend, Angi’s, car. Angi rents her car to Tebogo. Which of the following statements is incorrect? 
a. Tebogo has a personal right over the car. 
b. Tebogo is the lawful holder of the car. 
c. Tebogo has a real right over the car. 
d. Tebogo is a lessee of the car

PROPERTY LAW (PVL3701)_Assignment 2 (MCQ-type-QUIZ_Semester 1_2023
- Other • 15 pages • 2023
- R60,00
- 2x sold
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This document is a detailed draft of the 2nd assignment for the module - Property Law (PVL3701) - that forms part of the department of Private Law for the first semester of the academic year 2023. This document contains both the questions and answers of the assignment (QUIZ – MCQ ASSIGNMENT). This document is guaranteed to ensure you an extremely high pass mark/rate. 
All answers are extracted out of the prescribed textbook for this module. 
Textbook: INTRODUCTION to the LAW of PROPERTY –...

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