Dipole dipole forces - Study guides, Study notes & Summaries
Looking for the best study guides, study notes and summaries about Dipole dipole forces? On this page you'll find 8 study documents about Dipole dipole forces.
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Chemical Bonding & Intermolecular forces IEB
- Summary • 34 pages • 2021
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- R80,00
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This document contains a full breakdown of the Chemical Bonding and Intermolecular forces IEB sections. It can be used for both Grade 11 & Matric. It includes Types of Bonding: Ionic Bonding, Covalent Bonding, Metallic Bonding. Bond Polarity: Polar, non-polar, and associated molecular shapes and structures. Intermolecular forces: London forces, Dipole-dipole forces, and Hydrogen Bond forces. There are definitions, explanations, worked examples, and diagrams included.

Matric Intermolecular Forces + Molecular Geometry Section Notes
- Summary • 4 pages • 2023
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- R80,00
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High Quality digital summary notes of Gr 12 Intermolecular Forces and Molecular Geometry Sections taken from class notes and the SAGS. Includes London forces, Dipole-dipole forces, H-Bond forces with descriptions, properties, formation and guide for answering questions on boiling points. 
As well as diagrams and descriptions of the linear, angular, pyramidal, tetrahedral and trigonal planar molecules. 
Detailed lists, examples, descriptions and diagrams.

Grade 12 Intermolecular Forces in Organic Chemistry (IEB syllabus)
- Summary • 4 pages • 2022
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- R60,00
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These notes offer a comprehensive guide to the theory needed to write final exams in matric. They contain all the information on Intermolecular Forces in Organic Chemistry in the IEB chemistry syllabus. They are typed in a column format for easy learning. They have an array of diagrams to aid learners in their physical science studies in grade 12.

A Summary of Quantitative Chemistry
- Summary • 8 pages • 2022
- R165,00
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This document is a detailed summary of quantitative chemistry for exam preparation. It includes Definitions, Moles, Chemical Bonding, Electronegativity, Van der Waals forces, Hydrogen Bonding, Giant Structures, Molecular Substances, Ionic Compounds, Dipole-dipole forces, ion-dipole forces, London forces, Structures, Metallic lattices, Solubility rules, organic chemistry, IUPAC, and Carbon Chains.

Your A-Z guide to Chemical Bonding
- Interview • 29 pages • 2022
- Available in package deal
- R150,00
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Everything you will need to know for Chemical bonding and more. This document concisely summarizes everything you need to know for your end-of-year paper. The following topics are covered with extensive explanations as well as visual aids: covalent, ionic, dative covalent and metallic bonding, dipole moments, molecular and bond polarity, intermolecular forces (London forces, dipole-dipole forces, hydrogen bonds, ion-dipole forces, and more), physical properties of chemical bonds and how they af...

Intermolecular Forces
- Summary • 9 pages • 2021
- Available in package deal
- R50,00
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summary of different intermolecular forces and molecule strength and shape as well as types of chemical reactions. ; oxidation reaction, substitution reaction, addition reaction, the elimination reaction

Chemical bonding simplified
- Summary • 11 pages • 2021
- R50,00
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This document is aligned with the IEB SAGS document and the summary contains everything you need to prepare for your final matric examinations. There is nothing you can be testes on in the section of chemical bonding that's not included in this document. Although this document will come in handy for mainly grade 12 students, you can use it to study for grade 10 and 11 examinations as well.

Intermolecular Forces "Cheat Sheet"
- Summary • 1 pages • 2020
- R50,00
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single page summary revising the whole section of intermolecular forces. Extremely effective for visual/spatial learners and perfect to look over the day or night before the test or exam. Includes diagrams and explanations.

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