Grade 12 history essays - Study guides, Study notes & Summaries
Looking for the best study guides, study notes and summaries about Grade 12 history essays? On this page you'll find 6 study documents about Grade 12 history essays.
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Grade 12_History Summaries
- Summary • 85 pages • 2025
- R225,00
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With our Grade 12 History Summaries, you’re not just prepared – you’re unstoppable! Be the legend your history teacher brags about – all the tools for success are right here. 
 Why you need this: 
 Save Time, Stay Smart: Perfect for quick reviews or those last-minute study marathons – all the key info in one funky package! 
 Not your “dry” summaries: Say goodbye to boring! These are packed with color, energy, and the ultimate focus on what actually matters. 
 Key Facts, Smart ...

IEB History complete timeline with detailed dates and summaries of each event
- Summary • 19 pages • 2023
- R329,90
- 5x sold
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This is an in-depth timeline of the Historical events dating from the background of the Russian Revolution (1894), until the fall of the Berlin Wall (1989). In between multiple events (specifically the Cold War and China as a case study)bare covered including: the Russian Revolution, The founding of the USSR, Vladamir Lenin,NEP, Stalin, Stalin's 5 year plans, the end of World War II, the conferences, the start of the Cold War, the Truman Doctrine, Cominform, Comecon, Marshal Plan, Berlin Bl...

Cold War summary and timeline (detailed)
- Summary • 4 pages • 2021
- Available in package deal
- R80,00
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Received a distinction in my history final exam. This summary has been well researched using 4 history textbooks and other academic resources to ensure the dates and events are described as accurately as possible. This timeline summarizes everything you need to know about the Cold War in Grade 12, using a great amount of detail to ensure you ace those essays. Especially in history essays, they will ask you to argue a point within specific time periods, so it is crucial to know exactly what happe...

International response to apartheid 1980s
- Study guide • 4 pages • 2020
- Available in package deal
- R80,00
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These notes are available to help grade 12 learners to sit for examination. These notes only cover essay question for paper 2 grade 12. If you want to know more about Anti apartheid Movement AAM you are at the right choice. Please download and read these notes they are compressed simple and easy to use. For more reading kindly follow us on Facebook oMluda tv and email us

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