Llw2601 notes - Study guides, Study notes & Summaries

Looking for the best study guides, study notes and summaries about Llw2601 notes? On this page you'll find 17 study documents about Llw2601 notes.

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Lesson 2 - The Basic Conditions of Employment Act LLW2601
  • Lesson 2 - The Basic Conditions of Employment Act LLW2601

  • Summary • 13 pages • 2023
  • Available in package deal
  • This is a comprehensive summary of Lesson 2 in LLW2601. It includes the demarcated information included in the prescribed textbook as well as the study guide. If you choose not to buy the textbook, this summary fills in all the parts you would otherwise miss. These notes are very useful in studying for assignments and using as core study material.
  • mabelmullermabelina
  • R50,00
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Lesson 3 - The Employment Equity Act LLW2601
  • Lesson 3 - The Employment Equity Act LLW2601

  • Summary • 10 pages • 2023
  • Available in package deal
  • This is a comprehensive summary of Lesson 3 in LLW2601. It includes the demarcated information included in the prescribed textbook as well as the study guide. If you choose not to buy the textbook, this summary fills in all the parts you would otherwise miss. These notes are very useful in studying for assignments and using as core study material.
  • mabelmullermabelina
  • R50,00
  • + learn more
Lesson 5 - Termination of the contract of employment LLW2601
  • Lesson 5 - Termination of the contract of employment LLW2601

  • Summary • 9 pages • 2023
  • Available in package deal
  • This is a comprehensive summary of Lesson 5 in LLW2601. It includes the demarcated information included in the prescribed textbook as well as the study guide. If you choose not to buy the textbook, this summary fills in all the parts you would otherwise miss. These notes are very useful in studying for assignments and using as core study material.
  • mabelmullermabelina
  • R50,00
  • + learn more
Lesson 1 - The Employee LLW2601
  • Lesson 1 - The Employee LLW2601

  • Summary • 10 pages • 2023
  • Available in package deal
  • This is a comprehensive summary of Lesson 1 in LLW2601. It includes the demarcated information included in the prescribed textbook as well as the study guide. If you choose not to buy the textbook, this summary fills in all the parts you would otherwise miss. These notes are very useful in studying for assignments and using as core study material.
  • mabelmullermabelina
  • R50,00
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Lesson 4 - Unfair Labour Practices LLW2601
  • Lesson 4 - Unfair Labour Practices LLW2601

  • Summary • 6 pages • 2023
  • Available in package deal
  • This is a comprehensive summary of Lesson 4 in LLW2601. It includes the demarcated information included in the prescribed textbook as well as the study guide. If you choose not to buy the textbook, this summary fills in all the parts you would otherwise miss. These notes are very useful in studying for assignments and using as core study material.
  • mabelmullermabelina
  • R50,00
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  • Summary • 54 pages • 2022
  • LLW2601–INDIVIDUAL LABOUR LAW SUMMARY NOTES & REVISION QUIZ’S. AN EMPLOYEE & AN INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR • 5 tests that have been developed by the courts & are used to determine who is an employee & who is an independent contract: 1. Control test 2. Organization test 3. Dominant impression test 4. Economic capacity test 5. Reality test • Who is an employee: Any person, excluding an independent contractor, who works for another person or for the State & receives, or is entitled to...
  • R60,05
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