Pyc4813 assignment 3 - Study guides, Study notes & Summaries
Looking for the best study guides, study notes and summaries about Pyc4813 assignment 3? On this page you'll find 5 study documents about Pyc4813 assignment 3.
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Consultation report for Mrs Seedat

PYC4813 Cognitive Psychology : Consultation report
- Other • 12 pages • 2023
- R203,00
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Consultation reports on Neurodegenerative disease. 
The best consultation report to help you with your assignments in cognitive psychology. I have another post-graduate in physical remedial therapy and work daily with reports 
that will give you accurate information on how to approach assignments. Received above 90%

PYC4813 assignment 3 consultation resport
- Essay • 6 pages • 2021
- R80,00
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A consultation report of the interview with Mrs Seedat. 
The aim of the consultation was to provide Mrs Seedat with information regarding her diagnosis and how to manage this condition while gathering relevant information to assist in creating a treatment and rehabilitation management plan.
This is my completed assignment 3 for PYC4813. Feel free to use it as a guideline in compiling your own assignment! Best of luck :)
PYC4813( Cognitive Neuroscience) Assignment 3 Consultation Report. I received 86%.

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