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CMY2603 Assignment 1 Semester 1 | Due March 2025
CMY2603 Assignment 1 Semester 1 | Due March 2025. Two Essays provided for each question. 1. Explain why status offences such as consuming alcohol, running away from home, truancy, and smoking, affect the nature of child and youth misbehaviour. 2. Discuss why the following school variables are risk factors for school violence: disorganised condition in and around the school; the role of the learners; and the role of the educators or teachers.
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- Exam (elaborations)
- • 10 pages •
CMY2603 Assignment 1 Semester 1 | Due March 2025. Two Essays provided for each question. 1. Explain why status offences such as consuming alcohol, running away from home, truancy, and smoking, affect the nature of child and youth misbehaviour. 2. Discuss why the following school variables are risk factors for school violence: disorganised condition in and around the school; the role of the learners; and the role of the educators or teachers.

APC2601 Assignment 1 Semester 1 | Due March 2025
APC2601 Assignment 1 Semester 1 | Due March 2025. Two Essays provided for each question. 1. Coloniality had a severe impact on Africa’s economic and political development. Write an essay in which you discuss how and why the 1884-5 Berlin consensus and scramble and conquest of Africa resulted in the dismemberment and fragmentation of Africa. In your essay select an African state and explain its consequential political-economic development trajectory caused by coloniality. 2. Write an essay ...
- Exam (elaborations)
- • 14 pages •
APC2601 Assignment 1 Semester 1 | Due March 2025. Two Essays provided for each question. 1. Coloniality had a severe impact on Africa’s economic and political development. Write an essay in which you discuss how and why the 1884-5 Berlin consensus and scramble and conquest of Africa resulted in the dismemberment and fragmentation of Africa. In your essay select an African state and explain its consequential political-economic development trajectory caused by coloniality. 2. Write an essay ...

MNP3702 Assignment 1 Semester 1 | Due 27 March 2025
MNP3702 Assignment 1 Semester 1 | Due 27 March 2025. All questions answered. Read the following case study on Woolworths supply chain shortages and answer the questions that follow: Woolworths faces shortages amid supplier issues and heavy rains After South African comedian Rory Pezter posted on X (formerly Twitter) about the concerning lack of meat on Woolworths’ shelves, the company quickly responded to the issue. Pezter described the scene in his tweet as “apocalyptic.” Woolworths re...
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- Exam (elaborations)
- • 7 pages •
MNP3702 Assignment 1 Semester 1 | Due 27 March 2025. All questions answered. Read the following case study on Woolworths supply chain shortages and answer the questions that follow: Woolworths faces shortages amid supplier issues and heavy rains After South African comedian Rory Pezter posted on X (formerly Twitter) about the concerning lack of meat on Woolworths’ shelves, the company quickly responded to the issue. Pezter described the scene in his tweet as “apocalyptic.” Woolworths re...

DPR1504 Assignment 1 Semester 1 | Due 28 March 2025
DPR1504 Assignment 1 Semester 1 | Due 28 March 2025. All questions answered. QUESTION 1- Reasons for building relationships with stakeholders [20] According to the ‘King Code of Governance’, called King IV, the principle regarding stakeholders states the following: “As part of its decision-making in the best interests of the organisation, the governing body should ensure that a stakeholder-inclusive approach is adopted”. 1.1 What are the three factors that a company should prioritis...
- Exam (elaborations)
- • 9 pages •
DPR1504 Assignment 1 Semester 1 | Due 28 March 2025. All questions answered. QUESTION 1- Reasons for building relationships with stakeholders [20] According to the ‘King Code of Governance’, called King IV, the principle regarding stakeholders states the following: “As part of its decision-making in the best interests of the organisation, the governing body should ensure that a stakeholder-inclusive approach is adopted”. 1.1 What are the three factors that a company should prioritis...

DPR2603 Assignment 1 Semester 1 | Due 24 March 2025
DPR2603 Assignment 1 Semester 1 | Due 24 March 2025. All questions answered. QUESTIONS Question 1 In relation to some of the theoretical paradigms you have engaged with, discuss the Systems Perspective, using your own words and provide Weick’s views on it. The term organisation can be viewed in different ways based on its purpose and function. In your own words, define the term organisation. [6 marks]. Question 2 Discuss the different structures that an organisation can assume, as id...
- Exam (elaborations)
- • 6 pages •
DPR2603 Assignment 1 Semester 1 | Due 24 March 2025. All questions answered. QUESTIONS Question 1 In relation to some of the theoretical paradigms you have engaged with, discuss the Systems Perspective, using your own words and provide Weick’s views on it. The term organisation can be viewed in different ways based on its purpose and function. In your own words, define the term organisation. [6 marks]. Question 2 Discuss the different structures that an organisation can assume, as id...

GGH2601 Assignment 1 Semester 1 | Due 25 March 2025
GGH2601 Assignment 1 Semester 1 | Due 25 March 2025. Two essays provided for each question. Question 1 The scramble for Africa has been well documented. Discuss some of the implications of colonialism for economic and social aspects of development on the African continent. Question 2 Examine the importance of achieving economic growth and poverty reduction as strategies for accelerating development on the African continent.
- Exam (elaborations)
- • 15 pages •
GGH2601 Assignment 1 Semester 1 | Due 25 March 2025. Two essays provided for each question. Question 1 The scramble for Africa has been well documented. Discuss some of the implications of colonialism for economic and social aspects of development on the African continent. Question 2 Examine the importance of achieving economic growth and poverty reduction as strategies for accelerating development on the African continent.

BPT1501 Assignment 3 Semester 1 | Due 26 March 2025
BPT1501 Assignment 3 Semester 1 | Due 26 March 2025. All questions answered. Mr Hlabane is a newly appointed teacher at a public township high school in Johannesburg . The school has a diverse student body, including learners who migrated from rural places, and students speak various languages, with English being the medium of instruction. The school faces challenges such as limited resources, large class sizes, and varying levels of academic preparedness. Some learners struggle with language ba...
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- Exam (elaborations)
- • 8 pages •
BPT1501 Assignment 3 Semester 1 | Due 26 March 2025. All questions answered. Mr Hlabane is a newly appointed teacher at a public township high school in Johannesburg . The school has a diverse student body, including learners who migrated from rural places, and students speak various languages, with English being the medium of instruction. The school faces challenges such as limited resources, large class sizes, and varying levels of academic preparedness. Some learners struggle with language ba...

GGH2604 Assignment 2 Semester 1 | Due 2 April 2025
GGH2604 Assignment 2 Semester 1 | Due 2 April 2025. Two essays provided for both question. PART ONE: According to UNEP (2024). "Africa is rich in natural resources ranging from arable land. water, oil, natural gas. minerals, forests and wildlife. The continent holds a huge proportion of the world's natural resources. both renewable and non-renewable." Write an essay in which you provide a critical examination of the anticipated effects on the environment due to human use/exploitati...
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- Exam (elaborations)
- • 9 pages •
GGH2604 Assignment 2 Semester 1 | Due 2 April 2025. Two essays provided for both question. PART ONE: According to UNEP (2024). "Africa is rich in natural resources ranging from arable land. water, oil, natural gas. minerals, forests and wildlife. The continent holds a huge proportion of the world's natural resources. both renewable and non-renewable." Write an essay in which you provide a critical examination of the anticipated effects on the environment due to human use/exploitati...

ZUL2606 Portfolio (Ukuhlolwa ngePhothifoliyo) Semester 1 (ISIMESTA YOKU-1) | Due May 2025
ZUL2606 Portfolio (Ukuhlolwa ngePhothifoliyo) Semester 1 (ISIMESTA YOKU-1) | Due May 2025. All questions answered. Phendula yonke imibuzo ngokulandelana kwayo ungayixovi. Kulindeleke ukuthi uphendule yonke imibuzo ngolimi lwesiZulu ngoba le-mojuli eyolimi lwesiZulu. UMBUZO 1 a) Nikeza izinhlobo zezinganekwane bese uzichaza kafushane. (15) b) Nikeza izinhlobo zemibhalo yabantwana bese uyichaza kafushane. (25) UMBUZO 2 Funda inkondlo engezansi bese uphendula umbuzo olandelayo ngokugcwele. M...
- Exam (elaborations)
- • 6 pages •
ZUL2606 Portfolio (Ukuhlolwa ngePhothifoliyo) Semester 1 (ISIMESTA YOKU-1) | Due May 2025. All questions answered. Phendula yonke imibuzo ngokulandelana kwayo ungayixovi. Kulindeleke ukuthi uphendule yonke imibuzo ngolimi lwesiZulu ngoba le-mojuli eyolimi lwesiZulu. UMBUZO 1 a) Nikeza izinhlobo zezinganekwane bese uzichaza kafushane. (15) b) Nikeza izinhlobo zemibhalo yabantwana bese uyichaza kafushane. (25) UMBUZO 2 Funda inkondlo engezansi bese uphendula umbuzo olandelayo ngokugcwele. M...

ZUL2606 Assignment 2 (Asayimenti yesibili) Semester 1 (ISIMESTA YOKU-1) | Due April 2025
ZUL2606 Assignment 2 (Asayimenti yesibili) Semester 1 (ISIMESTA YOKU-1) | Due April 2025. All questions answered. Fundisisa kahle yonke imibuzo ngaphambi kukuba uphendule. UMBUZO 1 a) Ngabe isihloko sencwadi esithi ‘Ingane Yamalungelo’ siyahambisana yini nendikimba yayo le ncwadi? (15) b) Balula izinto okumele umbhali aziqikelele uma ebhala imibhalo yabantwana. (15) UMBUZO 2 a) Nikeza izinhlobo zama eseyi bese uzichaze. (10) b) Ngabe ubonakala kanjani umlingiswa omkhulu emdlalweni? Se...
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- Exam (elaborations)
- • 5 pages •
ZUL2606 Assignment 2 (Asayimenti yesibili) Semester 1 (ISIMESTA YOKU-1) | Due April 2025. All questions answered. Fundisisa kahle yonke imibuzo ngaphambi kukuba uphendule. UMBUZO 1 a) Ngabe isihloko sencwadi esithi ‘Ingane Yamalungelo’ siyahambisana yini nendikimba yayo le ncwadi? (15) b) Balula izinto okumele umbhali aziqikelele uma ebhala imibhalo yabantwana. (15) UMBUZO 2 a) Nikeza izinhlobo zama eseyi bese uzichaze. (10) b) Ngabe ubonakala kanjani umlingiswa omkhulu emdlalweni? Se...
LPL4802 Assignment 1 Semester 1 | Due 28 March 2025
SUS1501 Assignment 3 (Forum) Semester 1 | Due 25 March 2025
FIN3701 Assignment 1 Semester 1 | Due 31 March 2025
ECS2606 Assignment 1 Semester 1 | Due 24 March 2025
ENG1516 Assignment 1 Semester 1 | Due March 2025