Studiehulp vir Besige Breine
Al die opsommings op my bladsy is baie deeglik en die meerderheid (veral die wiskunde opsommings) bevat baie voorbeelde. Al die voorbeelde word baie deeglik gedoen en ek verduidelik presies wat ek in elke stap van die prosesse doen. Julle is ook welkom om vir my op Stuvia of Instagram te kontak (@besigebreine) en ek sal my bes doen om te help waar ek kan.
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Graad 1o Lewenswetenskappe Eindeksamen Opsomming (Via Afrika)
This is a summary of the Via Afrika Grade 10 Biology textbook. It contains all of the necessary work for the final exams. It includes, but is not limited to thorough definitions, sketches and extra class notes. It has been written by a student with a 91% average for Biology.
- Book
- Summary
- • 33 pages •
This is a summary of the Via Afrika Grade 10 Biology textbook. It contains all of the necessary work for the final exams. It includes, but is not limited to thorough definitions, sketches and extra class notes. It has been written by a student with a 91% average for Biology.
Koelkas - Opsomming en Notas
Afrikaans Huistaal Graad 10 eindeksamen opsomming
cannot read some pages - koki shows through from other pages