
Unisa's B'Ed degree - focus on the 14 compulsory educational modules

I completed my B'Ed degree in 2019 and have now started a Honors degree in Inclusive Education. I hope that these study notes will help you succeed as they did me. Apologies for not having them typed out; the reason for this is that I learn and remember more when I write them down by hand.

If there is anything I can help you with, please send me a message via Stuvia and I'll get back to you as soon as possible.

I wish you all the best with your studies and encourage you to work diligently.


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ETH305V C_Thompson_Study Notes_Distinction Pass

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MULTICULTURAL EDUCATION ETH305V Examination Preparation/ Study Notes 1) Key Concepts and Definitions 2) Sources of conflict 3) Completed Assignment - Distinction 4) Strategies to learn 5) Cultural relativism and the dangers 6) Assimilation & Amalgamation 7) Pluralistic models 8) Effective communication 9) Content integration 10) Policies 11) Detecting Bias instructional material 12) Creating a language rich environment 13) Promoting Reading and Writing skills

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  •  Package deal
  • Class notes
  •  • 6 pages • 
  • by ChrisThompson • 
  • uploaded  2018
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