Bacc Undergrad and Honours summaries
An accumulation of all my handwritten notes from the past 3 year of studying a Bachelor of Accounting at Stellenbosch University. I graduated in 2019 with an average of 70%.
I am currently studying my honours at Stellenbosch University and will upload the honours notes as they become available.
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36 items

Tax 771 Chapters 24,26,27
Handwritten Tax Honours summaries for Trusts, Deceased Estates and Donations Tax created in 2020.
- Package deal
- Summary
- • 44 pages •
Handwritten Tax Honours summaries for Trusts, Deceased Estates and Donations Tax created in 2020.

Tax 771 - Chapters 7 -11
Honours tax notes created in 2020 1st Term. Chapter 7 is information relating to Natural Persons including a format page. Chapter 8 is all the S8(1) allowances and taxable fringe benefits found in the Seventh Schedule of the Income Tax Act. Chapter 9 is the Second Schedule on the Income Tax Act Retirement benefits. Chapter 10 and 11 are based on the Fourth Schedule of the Income Tax for Employees Tax and Provisional Tax respectively.
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- Summary
- • 66 pages •
Honours tax notes created in 2020 1st Term. Chapter 7 is information relating to Natural Persons including a format page. Chapter 8 is all the S8(1) allowances and taxable fringe benefits found in the Seventh Schedule of the Income Tax Act. Chapter 9 is the Second Schedule on the Income Tax Act Retirement benefits. Chapter 10 and 11 are based on the Fourth Schedule of the Income Tax for Employees Tax and Provisional Tax respectively.

Mercantile Law 198 2nd Semester Notes
In depth summary of Mercantile Law 198 notes, which are taught and tested on in the second semester. The notes are typed up with extra information attained through attending all lectures. 
I received over 80% for my final Merc Law exam in first year.
- Package deal
- • 3 items •
In depth summary of Mercantile Law 198 notes, which are taught and tested on in the second semester. The notes are typed up with extra information attained through attending all lectures. 
I received over 80% for my final Merc Law exam in first year.

Mercantile Law - Insolvency Law (2nd Semester)
In depth summary of Mercantile Law 198 notes relating to Insolvency Law, which is taught and tested on in second semester. The notes are typed up with extra information attained through attending all lectures. 
I received over 80% for my final Merc Law exam in first year.
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- Summary
- • 17 pages •
In depth summary of Mercantile Law 198 notes relating to Insolvency Law, which is taught and tested on in second semester. The notes are typed up with extra information attained through attending all lectures. 
I received over 80% for my final Merc Law exam in first year.

Mercantile Law - Methods pf Payments (2nd Semester)
In depth summary of Mercantile Law 198 notes relating to Methods of Payment, which are taught and tested on in second semester. The notes are typed up with extra information attained through attending all lectures. 
I received over 80% for my final Merc Law exam in first year.
- Package deal
- Summary
- • 19 pages •
In depth summary of Mercantile Law 198 notes relating to Methods of Payment, which are taught and tested on in second semester. The notes are typed up with extra information attained through attending all lectures. 
I received over 80% for my final Merc Law exam in first year.

Mercantile Law - Securities (2nd Semester)
In depth summary of Mercantile Law 198 notes relating to Securities, which are taught and tested on in second semester. The notes are typed up with extra information attained through attending all lectures. 
I received over 80% for my final Merc Law exam in first year.
- Package deal
- Summary
- • 6 pages •
In depth summary of Mercantile Law 198 notes relating to Securities, which are taught and tested on in second semester. The notes are typed up with extra information attained through attending all lectures. 
I received over 80% for my final Merc Law exam in first year.
Aud 771 - Topic 2
MA 771 - Info Analysis, Business Rescue and Performance Measurment
MA 378 - Valuations summary
MA Undergrad summaries
MA 771 - Cost of Capital & Capital Structure