On this page, you find all documents, package deals, and flashcards offered by seller MJGradidge.
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Marketing Management 244 - Chapter 1-8 & 12-14
A detailed summary of Marketing Management 244. The summaries include the entire semesters work, accurately narrowed down to the most important aspects required for learning.
- Summary
- • 58 pages •
A detailed summary of Marketing Management 244. The summaries include the entire semesters work, accurately narrowed down to the most important aspects required for learning.
Logistics Management 244 - Chapter 5,6,10,11 & 12
A detailed summary of Logistics Management 244. The layout of the notes are easy to follow, and contain images and diagrams to enhance efficient learning.
- Summary
- • 56 pages •
A detailed summary of Logistics Management 244. The layout of the notes are easy to follow, and contain images and diagrams to enhance efficient learning.
Financial Management 244 - Chapter 1-11,13
A summary of Financial Management 244, that enables easier and sufficient learning. The notes are top quality.
- Summary
- • 36 pages •
A summary of Financial Management 244, that enables easier and sufficient learning. The notes are top quality.
Logistics Management 244 - Chapter 5,6,10,11 & 12
Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management 244 - Chapter 1-20
Logistics Management 244 - Chapter 5,6,10,11 & 12
Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management 244 - Chapter 1-20
Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management 244 - Chapter 1-20