
Unisa Study Notes and Candidate Attorney Preparation Material

Join our Stuvia store to buy material that will enable you to embark on a transformative journey through your law studies. As a fellow law enthusiast, I understand the moments of doubt that can creep in, making you contemplate an alternate path - one that involves trading in the bustling legal world for a serene existence on the captivating Kerguelen Islands. Our meticulously crafted study materials are here to guide you, ensuring that every step you take in your legal education is purposeful and rewarding. With our resources by your side, you'll channel your curiosity into confident legal prowess, leaving no room for second thoughts about your chosen path. It's time to embrace the power of knowledge and conquer your legal aspirations with unwavering determination, all while preserving the allure of distant horizons. Welcome to a realm where legal learning thrives and doubts fade away like distant echoes. But rest assured you've made a great decision. law is stimulating and makes interactions with like minded people fun. now get the best notes and finish your degree in style.


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LME3701 Research Portfolio Example

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The purpose of this module is to provide professional development curricula in the sub-field of legal research. Specifically, it equips students with the value, knowledge, and skills vital to apply legal research skills, methodologies, techniques and technologies, which contribute to the design and production of evidence based research, in a variety of legal professional capacities I provided an example of how the portfolio is required to be - this paper received a distinction mark, should be a...

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  •  Package deal
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  •  • 12 pages • 
  • by eloquentangel • 
  • uploaded  13-08-2018
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