Samenvatting ‘HOW CHILDREN DEVELOP’ ~ Siegler
Dit bestand bevat alle literatuur uit How Children Develop van Siegler dat tentamenstof is
voor het eerste tentamen van Development, Learning and Behavior. De samenvatting is in
het Engels met uitleg erbij in het Nederlands. Alle begrippen zijn erin opgenomen en
HOOFDSTUK 2 Prenatal development and the newborn period............................................................1
HOOFDSTUK 3 Biology and behavior......................................................................................................7
HOOFDSTUK 4 Theories of cognitive development..............................................................................14
HOOFDSTUK 5 Seeing, thinking, and doing in infancy..........................................................................19
HOOFDSTUK 9 Theories of social development....................................................................................23
HOOFDSTUK 2 Prenatal development and the newborn period
Themes in this chapter:
- Nature and nurture: every aspect of development before birth results from the continual
interplay of biological and environmental factors.
- Active child: the activity of the fetus contributes in numerous vital ways to its develop-
- Sociocultural context: there is a substantial cultural variation in how people think about
the beginning of life and how they handle the birth process.
- Individual differences: these come into play at many points, starting with sex differ-
ences in survival rates from conception on.
- Continuity/discontinuity: despite the dramatic contrast between prenatal and postnatal
life, the behavior of newborns shows clear connections to their behavior and experience
inside the womb.
- Research and children’s welfare: how poverty can affect prenatal development and
birth outcomes and intervention programs designed to foster healthy development for
preterm infants.
Het proces van prenatale ontwikkeling is altijd een raadsel geweest en veel mensen hebben
hier theorieën en speculaties rond ontwikkelt. Aristoteles: is wat ontstaat al aanwezig
(preformatie) of ontstaat er echt iets nieuws epigenesis = the emergence of new
structures and functions in the course of development.
Gametes (germ cells) = reproductive cells – eggs and sperm – that contain only half the ge-
netic material of all the other cells in the body. Gametes are produced through meiosis = cell
division that produces gametes. Through meiosis cells develop which contain half of the ge-
netic material of cells in the body (23 chromosomes).
Process of reproduction:
- Launching of an egg, which emits a chemical substance that attracts sperm to it.
- Only 200 of the 500 million sperm cells get near the egg cell; survival of the fittest idea.
,- When one sperm’s head penetrates the outer membrane of an egg, a chemical reaction
seals the membrane, preventing other sperm from entering.
- Conception = the union of an egg from the mother and a sperm from the father.
- Zygote = a fertilized egg cell. Start of the prenatal development.
4 major developmental processes… to transform an embryo (= the name given to the de-
veloping organism from the 3rd to the 8th week of prenatal development) to a fetus (= the
name given to the developing organism from the 9th week to birth).
1. Cell division/mitosis = cell division that results in two identical daughter cells. De
bevruchte eicel deelt zich miljoenen keren.
2. Cell migration = the movement of newly formed cells away from their point of origin to
settle in the place they have to be.
3. Cell differentiation; at the beginning, none of the embryonic stem cells (= embryonic
cells, which can develop into any type of body cell) has any fixed function. During cell dif-
ferentiation, each cell gets its own structure and function (totally 350 different types of
4. Apoptosis = genetically programmed cell death. Dit gebeurt om cellen te doden die niet
meer functioneel zijn, zoals bijvoorbeeld in de handen (eerst zitten er nog soort
zwemvliezen tussen de vingers maar die verdwijnen naar mate de foetus ontwikkelt).
The influence of hormones on prenatal development. The presence of androgens (hormones
that includes testosterone) results in development of male sex organs and the absence re-
sults in the development of female genitalia.
Early development
- Identical twins = twins that result from the splitting in half of the zygote, resulting in each
of the two resulting zygotes having exactly the same set of genes.
- Fraternal twins = twins that result when two eggs happen to be released into the fallop-
ian tube at the same time and are fertilized by two different sperm; fraternal twins have
only half their genes in common.
Ongeveer 1 week na de bevruchting vind het moment van implantation plaats; the zygote
embeds itself in the uterine lining and becomes dependent on the mother for substance. The
cells are arranged into a hollow sphere with a bulge of cells (inner cell mass) on one side.
- The inner cell mass becomes the embryo and the rest of the cells become the amniotic
sac (= a transparent, fluid-filled membrane that surrounds and protects the fetus) and
placenta that enables the embryo to develop.
- Placenta = a support organ for the fetus; it keeps the circulatory systems of the fetus and
mother separate, but as a semipermeable membrane permits the exchange of some ma-
terials between them (oxygen and nutrients from mother to fetus and carbon dioxide and
waste products from fetus to mother).
o De placenta zorgt voor uitwisseling van voedingsstoffen en afvalstoffen tussen
embryo en moeder. Ook is het een beschermende barrière voor gevaarlijke stoffen.
Daarnaast zorgt het voor de productie van de hormonen oestrogeen en progesteron
voor een toename in bloedtoevoer naar de baarmoeder en een voorkoming van
samentrekkingen van de baarmoeder (voorkomen van vroeggeboorte).
- Umbilical cord = a tube containing the blood vessels connecting the fetus and placenta.
Differentiatie; the embryo differentiates into three layers: Top layer: nervous system, nails,
teeth, inner ear, lens of the eyes, outer surface of the skin. Neural tube = a groove formed in
, the top layer of differentiated cells in the embryo that eventually becomes the brain and
spinal cord. Middle layer: muscles, bones, circulatory system, the inner layers of the skin and
internal organs. Bottom layer: digestive system, lungs, urinary tract, glands.
An illustrated summary of prenatal development
Cephalocaudal development = the pattern of growth in which areas near the head develop
earlier than areas farther from the head.
4 weken Het hart klopt en het bloed circuleert.
5,5 weken Neus, mond en gehemelte beginnen te differentiëren.
8,5 weken Neus en mond zijn gevormd.
9 weken Snelle hersenontwikkeling. Ogen en oren worden gevormd. Interne organen
zijn aanwezig en seksuele differentiatie start. Ribben zijn zichtbaar en vingers
en tenen groeien. De foetus maakt de eerste bewegingen.
11 weken Het hart is ontwikkelt en de ruggengraat en ribben vormen zich verder. De
brein ondergaat veel ontwikkelingen.
16 weken De foetus kan schoppen en geslachtsorganen zijn ontwikkeld. De groei van
het onderste deel van het lichaam versneld.
18 weken De foetus is bedekt met kleine haartjes wat de huid beschermt tegen de
vloeistof waar hij in zit. De foetus kan zijn gezicht bewegen (wenkbrauwen,
28 weken Hersenen en longen zijn zo ver ontwikkelt dat het kindje buiten de
baarmoeder zou kunnen overleven. De ogen kunnen open en de foetus kan
geluiden waarnemen en erop reageren.
Fetal behavior
From weeks 5 or 6 after conception the fetus starts to move.
- Prenatal hiccups; hikken. Deze zorgen voor het ontwikkelen van een boerreflex, zodat
het kindje lucht uit de maag kan weghalen en er meer ruimte is voor melk na geboorte.
- Swallowing reflex; the fetus swallows amniotic fluid. Voordelen hiervan: ontwikkeling van
een normaal gehemelte en van het verteringssysteem. Het bereid voor op het leven
buiten de baarmoeder.
- Al na 12 weken kan het kindje volledig bewegen zoals buiten de baarmoeder.
- Prenatal continuity: more active fetuses turn out to be more active infants.
- Fetal breathing; oefening op ademhalen door de borstkas in en uit te bewegen.
Fetal experience
- Sight and touch: the visual experience of a fetus is minimal, but they do touch there body
and the umbilical cord. They also respond to maternal movements so probably the
vestibular systems (for movement and balance) is also functioning.
- Taste sensitivity and flavor preferences exist before birth. Fetuses ingested more amni-
otic fluid when it had been sweetened.
- Smell: amniotic fluid takes on odors from what the mother has eaten and the fetus can
smell this.
- Hearing: the womb is filled with noise and fetuses can hear those.
Fetal learning
In the last 3 months of pregnancy, after the central nervous system is adequately developed
to support learning, the fetus can learn from many of its experiences. Learning happens
through habituation = a simple form of learning that involves a decrease in response to re-
peated or continued stimulation. Dishabituation = the introduction of a new stimulus rekin-
dles interest following habituation to a repeated stimulus.