Universiteit Leiden (UL) • Master economic and consumer psychology
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Vakken Master economic and consumer psychology op de Universiteit Leiden (UL)
Er zijn samenvattingen beschikbaar voor de volgende vakken van Master economic and consumer psychology op Universiteit Leiden (UL)
Populaire samengevatte boeken Universiteit Leiden (UL) • Master economic and consumer psychology
Nieuwste samenvattingen Universiteit Leiden (UL) • Master economic and consumer psychology
Discussion Essays
Bougie, R., Pieters, R., & Zeelenberg, M. (2003). Angry customers don’t come back, they get 		back: The experience 	and behavioural implications of anger and dissatisfaction in 		services. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 31, 377– 393. 
Gregoire, Y., & Fisher, R. (2008). Customer betrayal and retaliation: When your best customers 		become your worst enemies. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 36, 247–261. 
Kim, J., & Gupta, P. (2012). Emotional expressio...
Goldsmith, K., Cho, E. K., & Dhar, R. (2012). When guilt begets pleasure: The positive effects 		of a negative emotion. Journal of Marketing Research, 49, 872– 881. 
Hofmann, W, & Van Dillen, L. F. (2012). Desire: The new hot spot in self-control research. 		Current Directions in Psychological Science, 21, 317–322. 
Hofmann, W., Vohs, K. D., & Baumeister, R. F. (2012). What people desire, feel conflicted 		about, and try to resist in everyday life. Psychological Science, 23, ...
Hinrichsen, H., Wright, F., Waller, G., & Meyer, C. (2003). Social anxiety and coping strategies 		in the eating disorders. Eating behaviors, 4(2), 117-126. 
Karageorghis, C., & Ntoumanis, N. (2007). The Psychophysical Effects of Music in Sport and 		Exercise. PsycEXTRA Dataset. doi: 10.1037/e-144 
Mani, A., Mullainathan, S., Sharif, E., & Zhao, J. (2013). Poverty Impedes Cognitive 	Function. Science, 341, 976–980. 
Van Dillen, L. F., Papies, E. K., Hofmann, W. (2013). T...
reliability analyses 
Cronbach’s alpha 
the tree-factor solution 
Component plot of the two-factor solution with VARIMAX rotationRotated component loadings and communalities of 4-factor solution
Regression Applied Data Analysis Assignment
multiple regression analysis
Summary of all the mandatory readings and the lectures of the Environmental Psychology course, followed in the year 2020-2021.
Summary including the college slides, lecture notes, and parts of the book of Andy Field (some parts of the book are in Dutch).