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Newest The Handmaid's Tale summaries
In depth summaries, notes and analysis of the book

IEB Grade 12, COMPLETE Handmaids Tale and The Tempest FULL summary, Quotes, Essays and Essay ideas, Info and more
- Summary • 38 pages • 2023
- R150,00
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This document - the stuck-in-the-mud IEB English final cheat sheet was put together by 3 top-achieving English students. This serves as a fantastic guide and tool for the IEB English final EXAM and for general info. Covering new ideas and taking into account various aspect not traditionally covered by normal study guides like the idea of colonialism and the fact that The Tempest could not be an autobiography as Emma Smith from Oxford put it - "Writers in Shakespeares time did not produce autobi...
this is a summary of the entire book and also discusses themes, characters and key ideas.
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The Handmaid's Tale - Plot summary, themes, symbols, & quotes.
- Summary • 14 pages • 2023
- Available in package deal
- R90,00
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- Brief plot summary 
- Character list and explanations 
- Timeline + genre explanation 
- Themes with explanations and quotes of each 
- Symbols and their meanings 
Themes covered: 
- Role of Women	 
- Domestic Life and the Time Before	 
- Alienation	 
- Defiance / Rebellion	 
- Totalitarianism and Violence	 
- Identity	 
- Dystopia	 
Symbols Covered: 
- The colour red	 
- The colour black	 
- Makeup	 
- Mirrors	 
- Tulips (or flowers in general)	 
- The moon	 
- Biblical Al...

The Handmaids Tale: Themes, Symbols, Characters, Quotes and Structure of a Literary Essay
- Presentation • 62 pages • 2023
- R119,00
- 17x sold
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A crash course on The Handmaid's Tale, designed to guide you in understanding the novel and writing a literary essay on the set work. It provides an explanation on major and minor themes, symbols & characters, and direct quotes for each theme from the book. It also includes the structure of how to write a literary essay and a breakdown of a possible essay topic, to demonstrate how to analyse and understand a topic given in an exam. The resources linked give more essay topic examples, and helpful...

The Handmaid’s Tale Summary and Notes
- Book review • 16 pages • 2023
- R153,00
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A summary of each chapter in the Handmaid’s tale, including quotes, language tips and themes. 
Imagery and characters are discussed as well as the context of the book.

Summary The Handmaid's Tale, ISBN: 9781473546967 English Home Language
- Summary • 50 pages • 2023
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- R250,00
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An in-depth summary and analysis of Margaret Atwood's The Handmaid's Tale. This summary will provide all the necessary information and notes needed for the IEB final grade 12 English Home Language exam. This document includes detailed summaries, analysis of key events, themes and characters, as well as important quotes.

Grade 12 IEB English Home Language The Handmaid's Tale full summary, characters, themes, info and literary essay format
- Summary • 9 pages • 2022
- Available in package deal
- R99,00
- 28x sold
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This aesthetic, in-depth, digital document summarises the entirety of Margaret Atwood's 'The Handmaid's Tale'. It includes all characters and descriptions, general information about the novel, a full plot summary, all possible themes for literary essays, quotations and literary essay guidelines with examples of questions and paragraphs. 
Grade 12 IEB English Home Language paper 2: The Handmaid's Tale notes

Simple and explained quotes on The Handmaid's Tale for IEB grade 11 and 12
- Summary • 10 pages • 2022
- R50,00
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The document provides 50 impactful quotes from The Handmaid's Tale, by Margaret Atwood, that are easy and quick to learn. Each quote has been explained briefly and includes who said the quote as well as the chapter it is found in. Each quote also has been highlighted to fall under a key theme. Please note that majority of quotes can overlap with multiple other themes. Good luck and happy studying :)

Handmaid's Tale quotations IEB grade 12 English home language
- Summary • 2 pages • 2022
- Available in package deal
- R79,00
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Various quotes to be used in literary essays and in Grade 12 IEB English home language paper 2

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