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Newest Economic Development summaries
Economics - Business in Emerging Markets, Theories of Development and Institutions
- Class notes • 7 pages • 2021
- Available in package deal
- R177,57
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Week 2 lecture notes on module Business in Emerging Markets. All notes are derived directly from lecture material produced by Dr Stuart Barrett, Dr Stephen R. Buzdugan and Dr Yontem Sonmez through a combination of direct quotes, indirect quotes, and visual information. 
This document includes information from the following key thinkers: 
Walt Rostow, Harrod Domar, Arthur Lewis, Adam Smith, Ricardo, Paul Prebisch, Acemoglu and Robinson, Douglas North. 
This document covers the following: 
Economics - Business in Emerging Markets, the East Asian miracle
- Class notes • 5 pages • 2021
- Available in package deal
- R177,57
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Week 3 lecture notes on module Business in Emerging Markets. All notes are derived directly from lecture material produced by Dr Stuart Barrett, Dr Stephen R. Buzdugan and Dr Yontem Sonmez through a combination of direct quotes, indirect quotes and visual information. 
Includes notes on the following key thinkers: Krugman. 
The document covers the following topics: 
An introduction to the East Asian miracle - underpinning growth. 
Krugman - a contrarian view. 
Is the east Asian model for ...
Economics - Business in Emerging Markets, Exploring GDP, growth, production and technology
- Class notes • 4 pages • 2021
- Available in package deal
- R177,57
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This introduction to the module Business in Emerging markets includes notes derived directly from lecture material produced by Dr Stuart Barrett, Dr Stephen R. Buzdugan and Dr Yontem Sonmez. 
Key thinkers in this document include: Adam Smith, Ricardo and Malthus, Solow, William Nordhouse and Paul Romer. 
The document covers the following topics: 
Current context of business in emerging market. 
Exploring GDP (how to calculate, spending and producing). 
Production functions/equations - spend...
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Economics - Business in Emerging Market s
- Package deal • 4 items • 2021
- R307,97
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Lecture notes on the entire curriculum of module Business in Emerging Markets. All notes are derived directly from lecture material produced by Dr Stuart Barrett, Dr Stephen R. Buzdugan and Dr Yontem Sonmez through a combination of direct quotes, indirect quotes and visual information.
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