MNG 2601
Written byTWP 2015
Together We Pass
Tel: 021 591 0673
If you are reading these notes you are studying MNG3701 with UNISA. These notes are being written in
collaboration with all our Together We Pass MNG3701 group members this term, and will be built upon year on
year to create the best set of study notes, with the most useful summaries, hints and tips we can possibly put
How this works:
1. Your tutor will assign each member a learning outcome to describe or summarise
2. Once you have completed it, you will be assigned another
3. We encourage you to work through as many as possible, and also read and comment on others
explanations as this is the BEST way of learning.
4. We are creating COMPREHENSIVE notes so try to put everything that needs to be covered into your
5. Your tutors will compile this into this set of notes, drawing on other explanations, YouTube videos or
resources they feel might be useful
Good luck this term, and we look forward to working with you!
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pg. 1
, 1. Managers at all levels of the organisation need three management skills, but
they need it in different proportions from level to level.
Middle-level managers must have the ability to …………………….. top-level
managers must have the ability to ………….. and lower-level managers must
have the ability to …………….
a) perform jobs such as data entry in a computer
b) see things as a whole and the interrelationship of their parts
c) get employees to achieve organisational goals
1) b, a, c
2) b, c, a
3) a, b, c
4) c, b, a
2. The management process comprises four management functions, which
managers perform in a specific sequence.
Select an example of each management function and list it in the correct
a) conduct a job interview to fill a vacant position
b) determine how many units must be produced during a shift
c) praise an employee for reaching his sales target
d) adjust the budget to reflect an increase in wages
1) a, b, c, d
2) b, a, c, d
3) c, b, d a
4) d, c, b, a
Match each situation in column A with an appropriate management role in column B.
Situation Management role
a discuss the organisation's offer e decisional
on a wage increase
with union representatives
b read the Business Day first thing f interpersonal
in the morning
c develop new total quality g informational
management techniques
d have a mentoring session with an
© 2014 Together We Pass. All rights reserved.
pg. 2
, 1. ae bf cg de
2. ef bg ce df
3. ag be cf dg
4. ef bg ce dg
Question 4 - 7
The following statements pertain to the evolution of management theory. Answer the
questions that follow.
a) A famous series of studies, known as the Hawthorne studies, gave momentum
to this perspective on management.
b) This researcher was a mechanical engineer and he studied the work of
individual workers to discover exactly how they performed their tasks.
c) According to this approach, certain disabilities can cripple an organisation.
d) This perspective on management comprises management science and
operations research.
e) This approach views an organisation as a group of interrelated parts with a
single purpose: to remain in balance.
f) This famous researcher based his model on legal authority, which stems from
rules and other controls that govern an organisation in its pursuit to achieve goals.
g) The basic premise of this approach is that the application of management
principles depends on a particular situation that a manager faces at a given time.
h) Hammer and Champy are experts in this approach that entails a significant
reassessment of a particular organisation.
i) This approach to management grew out of the need to find guidelines for
managing complex organisations such as factories.
4. Statement ……………….. refers to the human relations movement, statement
……………. refers to the learning organisation and statement……………….
refers to the administrative approach to management.
1. a, b, e
2. b, f, i
3. a, c, i
4. d, g, h
5. The three management theories that comprise the classical approach to
management are described in statements
1. a, c, i
© 2014 Together We Pass. All rights reserved.
pg. 3