Chapter 05 –
Developing the HMPYC 8
Research Proposal
, ➢ 1. Introduction:
• Some leave the development of a research proposal throughout the process, outlining it so that different se
receive attention at different times, while others emphasized the need for a research proposal at the end of
methodological decisions and before the start of any field work.
• Producing a research proposal is an important activity for many researchers, and we want to ensure that you
it in front of mind at an early stage.
- In fact, regardless of the topic, approach or intended outcomes, or research is preceded by a proposal.
➢ 2. Definition of a Research Proposal:
• A research proposal, as the name suggests, is a document that outlines how you, as the researcher, propo
undertake a research project.
- According to Kumar, a research proposal is an overall plan designed to obtain answers to the research que
problems that constitute your research project.
• Leedy & Ormrod Note that's a research proposal lays out the problem for research, describes exactly how t
will be conducted , and outlines in precise detail the resources (factual and instrumental) that you will use
the desired results.
• The proposal is intended to convince the reader (i.e., supervisor, evaluation committee, reviewers of grant
that you have clarity on the What?, Why?, and How? of the planned research project and that it holds pote
significance and relevance.
, ➢ 2. Definition of a Research Proposal:
• The proposal is not only a forward-looking document but is also a backward-looking document: it outlines th
anticipated events while also documenting your efforts and thinking up to a particular point.
• O’Leary Regards the proposal as a ‘blueprints for action’ in that it helps to clarify your thinking and shape yo
- It ensures that the different parts of the intended study fit together and shows how the research will inform
scientific inquiry.
➢ 3. Characteristics of a Research Proposal:
• The proposal contains elements similar to a research report, but it is written before the research project b
• The research proposal is usually written in the future taints as it sets out the entire design and methodolog
for an anticipated study.
• It describes the research questions or hypotheses and their importance and offers a review of the literatur
the knowledge gap that ‘warrants’ the execution of the proposed study.
• A research proposal therefore provides a justification for choices about the topic , research approach and m
using relevant literature to support arguments.
• To write a good proposal, you should take note of the three important aspects, namely:
(i) the purpose of writing a research proposal (ii) the style of the research proposal (iii) the format or layou
research proposal.