HMPYC 80 –
Research Methodology
Section D – Chapter 19:
Mixed Methods Research
, 1. Introduction:
► As a qualitative researcher, you are concerned with describing and understanding rather
than explaining and predicting, human behavior.
- This is done through naturalistic observation rather than controlled measurements, and
with non-statistical methods and small samples rather than the statistical measures and
representative samples that concern the quantitative researcher.
► In real life Human Services, you often need to combine elements of both quantitative and
qualitative approaches in what is often called mixed methods research.
► Over the last two decades or so, mixed methods research has become much more
prevalent in the social, behavioral and other related sciences - but this does not mean that
this approach has been accepted without serious scholarly debate.
2. Characteristics of Mixed
Methods Research:
► An early definition of mixed methods research posed by Greene, Caracelli and Graham,
emphasized the ‘mixing of methods’ - hence the term mixed methods research.
- This understanding shifted in later years to mixed research approaches and included all
phases of the research process, such as philosophical worldviews, methods, and
interpretation of results.
► The use of mixed methods is sometimes confused with multi-method.
► Multimethod is when multiple forms of qualitative data (e.g., interviews and observations) or
multiple forms of quantitative data (e.g., survey data, experimental data) are collected in the
same study.
- Mixed methods is not, however, simply the collection of multiple forms of qualitative data
or quantitative data, but involves the collection, analysis and integration of both quantitative
and qualitative data in different phases of the study.
► Mixed methods: a procedure for collecting, analyzing and mixing both quantitative and
qualitative data at some stage of the research process within a single study to understand a
research problem more completely.
- In this approach you collect both numeric information and text information to answer the
study research questions, but that the term mixing also implies that the data are the findings
are integrated or connected at one or several points within this study.
► In their most recent publication Creswell & Plano Clark, consider mixed methods research
as one where you collect and analyze both quantitative and qualitative data and integrate
(or mix, or combine) the two forms of data and their results.
- This involves organizing these procedures into specific research designs that provide the
logic and procedures for conducting the study, as well as framing these procedures within
theory and philosophy.
, ► The following three key elements of these definitions are important for context:
1) Mixed methods research involves both collecting and analyzing quantitative and
qualitative data, meaning you collect both numeric data and text information.
2) This mixing of data is a unique element of mixed methods research and
distinguishes it from multimethod research. This means that it is not enough to
simply collect and analyze quantitative and qualitative data, but that the data needs
to be mixed in some way so that, together, they form a more complete picture of the
problem than they do standing alone.
3) Mixed methods research organizes these procedures into specific them within theory
and philosophy.
► Mixed methods research, just like multimethod studies, requires a high level of
methodological expertise to guide the conduct of the study throughout its different stages
and ensure the application of the most appropriate procedures at each point.
► It appears that mixed methods investigations involve the integration of quantitative and
qualitative data collection and analysis into a single study or a program of inquiry by
carefully considering the implications of such and mixing for theoretical and philosophical
- This form of research is more than multi method research that merely consists of multiple
forms of qualitative data and/or quantitative data collection.
► This description of mixed methods research also has a close resemblance to mixed
research approaches, that includes all phases of the research process, such as
philosophical worldviews, methods and interpretation of results.
► It is pertinent to consider the following values that mixed methods research adds to
qualitative or quantitative approaches:
1) Completeness - mixed methods research enables you to simultaneously address a
range of confirmatory and exploratory questions with both the qualitative and
quantitative approaches and therefore verify and generate theory in the same study.
2) Complementarity - mixed methods research provides strengths that offset the
weaknesses of both quantitative and qualitative research, and therefore has the
potential to provide better, stronger inferences.
3) Resolution of complex issues - mixed methods research provides more
comprehensive evidence for studying a complex research problem than either
qualitative or quantitative research alone.
4) Triangulation - mixed methods research into collaborate across the occasional
antagonistic relationship between quantitative and qualitative researchers. If findings
are corroborated across different approaches, then greater confidence can be held in
the singular conclusion; If the findings conflict, then you have greater knowledge and
can modify interpretations and conclusions accordingly. In many cases, however, the
goal of mixing is not to search for corroboration but rather to expand your own