Written by Lazie10
Assignment 3: 100 marks
MTE1501 Mathematics 1 for teachers
Contributes 20% to final pass mark Unique Number: 819809
Due date: 17/06/2022
Like Assignments 1 and 2, Assignment 3 will address all work that is covered in
units 1 to 4 of MTE 1501. You will be asked to demonstrate your gained
knowledge and acquired skills on the following topics:
Mathematics in society: history, views and uses of mathematics in various
civilizations across the world;
Teaching and learning mathematics: approaches to teaching mathematics and
levels of learner engagement in the instruction; conceptual and procedural
knowledge, mathematical proficiency and construction of mathematics
The concept of number: number concepts, number representation, place
value, mathematical operations and real numbers;
Development of spatial sense: 2-Dimensional shapes and 3-Dimensional
Instruction for this assignment
Some of the activities in this assignment have been drawn from tutorial letter 501
(study guide). The tasks will add up to 100, and this mark is made up from four
units of MTE 1501 as follows:
Unit 1 = 25 marks
Unit 2 = 25 marks
Unit 3 = 25 marks