Name of the Teacher Date Level of the class Length of lesson
Marmeeke Scheepers Intermediate B1 60 Minutes
Lesson Type:
Lesson Topic:
Topic 3 : Travel
(Land, Take-off, Check-in desk, Luggage, Suitcase, Aisle, Baggage-Reclaim, Boarding Pass, Journey, Trip)
Lesson Aims: Lesson Outcomes:
By the end of the lesson, students will be better able to… By the end of the lesson, students will have…
Produce and Recognize 10 Noun/Verbs to do with Travel namely:
(Land, Take-off, Check-in desk, Luggage, Suitcase, Aisle, By using role-playing to relate to a real-life scenario by practising
Baggage-Reclaim, Boarding Pass, Journey, Trip) and producing functional language, (Example: Scenario , of having
to collect luggage from the baggage-reclaim.
Target vocabulary:
(Land, Take-off, Check-in desk, Luggage, Suitcase, Aisle,
Baggage-Reclaim, Boarding Pass, Journey, Trip)
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,Anticipated difficulties: Suggested solutions:
1. There may be the following problems with two of the words 1. Giving a clear example of each word in a sentence, as well as
being: Aisle; can be confused for Isle as they are similar in giving a clear example of the differences in words: Aisle and
pronunciation as well as spelling which can cause confusion. Isle.
2. There words luggage and suitcase have similar meanings 2. Explain differences between suitcases, luggage and baggage.
and this could confuse students. Example: A suitcase is a single item whereas luggage and
3. They may also get confused with the word Land which is an baggage are multiple bags and items used while travelling,
action but can also mean physical land. and comes in different forms, such as: backpacks ,
equipment , and hand luggage. Have a student from the
group explain this to the rest of the class.
3. Explanation and Pictures must be very clear on the
Language analysis:
Language Meaning of the How you will present Concept Checking Grammatical form Pronunciation
Item item meaning Questions
Example: Example: Example: Example: Example: Example:
huge very big, enormous using a picture of a mouse What’s the opposite of huge? Strong adjective / hjuːdʒ/
and an elephant to show Name a huge mountain.
large size
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, Land : Land: come down Using a picture of a Is the plane landing or Verb lænd
through airspace plane taking off and taking off using a picture
and rest on the landing to ask the ccq.
ground or landing
strip, by plane.
Take-off: Take-off:If an Using a picture of a What Time is the plane Phrasal verb teɪk
airplane takes off, it bird and a plane taking taking off?
leaves the ground off to show meaning
and begins to fly or What does a plane do
also known as lifting when it's leaving the
off. ground?
Check-In The check-in desk is Using a picture to Where do you show your Noun tʃek.ɪn ˌdesk
Desk: used to show your show students what a plane ticket to board the
ticket and to be told check-in desk looks plane ?
where to sit. like at an airport.
Luggage: the bags,and Show a picture of What do you have to hand Noun ˈlʌɡ.ɪdʒ
suitcases that have different bags,suitcase in at the checking in desk
your personal and luggage. before you board the
possessions and plane?
that you take with
you when you are What do you have to pay
traveling. extra for if it weighs too
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