tefl 5
Latest uploads at tefl 5. Looking for notes at tefl 5? We have lots of notes, study guides and study notes available for your school.
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Latest notes & summaries tefl 5
TEFL Level 5 Assignment 4 - One to One
TEFL Assignment 3 - Four Skills
TEFL Level 5 Assignment 2 - Grammar
TEFL Level 5 Assignment 1 - At a restaurant
TEFL reading lesson plan, level 5, assignment 3, Passed the first time
this is a 90% passed assignment. teach other subject in English (TOSE) assignment.
These assignments will be a great outline for you to follow when doing your assignments. All my assignments have come back with great feedback, and all passed. Best of luck
Upper -intermediate lesson through a written text will assist you as an example to pass your 3rd assignment.
i-to-i Assignment 2. Grammer Lesson for Pre-Intermediate using Quantifiers much, many and a lot of in the context of food. Will help you past the Grammar Lesson.
Adult Elementary using Vocabulary with Clothing as the Subject. Will assist you as an example to past you're first assignment.