Table of Contents
Executive Summary ............................................................................................................................. 2
Literature search................................................................................................................................... 2
Background ........................................................................................................................................... 3
Institutional framework......................................................................................................................... 5
Formal institutions ............................................................................................................................ 5
Legal systems .................................................................................................................................. 5
Corporate governance .................................................................................................................... 6
Economic systems ........................................................................................................................... 7
Political systems .............................................................................................................................. 8
Informal institutions .......................................................................................................................... 9
Cultures ........................................................................................................................................... 9
Ethics ............................................................................................................................................. 10
Religions ........................................................................................................................................ 11
Languages...................................................................................................................................... 11
Conclusion ........................................................................................................................................... 11
References .......................................................................................................................................... 12
Important note to consider................................................................................................................... 14
BMZ Academy 0612621185 0680538213
,Executive Summary
This portfolio is based on Chery Automobile Co. Ltd which is one of the specialist
manufacturers of automobiles that is founded by the government of China. The
Chinese state-owned automobile manufacturer is headquartered in Wuhu, Anhui,
China. The company is currently in the top 10 largest automobile manufacturers in
China, with nearly a million sales in 2021 only. Chery’s principal products are
passenger cars, minivans, and SUVs; it sells passenger cars under the Chery marque
and commercial vehicles under the Karry brand.
Literature search
A number of sources were consulted. Most of these sources which were utilised in this
research were accessed from online databases mainly google scholar. From a number
of search results, the following were used.
Acemoglu, D., and Johnson, S., 2005. Unbundling institutions. Journal of Political
Economy, 113(5), 949-995.
Bachmann, R. and Inkpen, A.C., 2011. Understanding institutional-based trust building
processes in inter-organizational relationships. Organization Studies, 32(2), pp.281-
Meyer, K. E., Estrin, S., Bhaumik, S. K., and Peng, M. W. 2009. Institutions, resources,
and entry strategies in emerging economies. Strategic Management Journal, 30(1):
Meyer, K.E. and Peng, M.W., 2016. Theoretical foundations of emerging economy
business research. Journal of International Business Studies, 47(1), pp.3-22.
North, D. C., 1990. Institutions, institutional change, and economic performance.
Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
North, D. C., Wallis, J., and Weingast, B. R. 2006. A conceptual framework for
interpreting recorded human history. Working paper 12795, National Bureau of
Economic Research.
BMZ Academy 0612621185 0680538213
, Peng, M. W. 2002. Towards an institution-based view of business strategy. Asia
Pacific Journal of Management, 19(2/3), 251-267.
Peng, M. and Meyer, K., 2019. International Business, 3rd Edition, Cengage Learning.
Peters, B.G., 2022. Institutional theory. In Handbook on Theories of Governance (pp.
323-335). Edward Elgar Publishing.
Robinson, S., Sun, W. and Arrigoni, A., 2020. Commentary on King Reports on
corporate governance. Journal of Global Responsibility, 11(2), pp.113-121.
Schortgen, F. and Saee, J., 2012. 4 China’s automotive companies shift gears. China
and the Global Economy in the 21st Century, 107, p.39.
Yujia, L. and Akhtyamov, M.K., 2021. An analysis of the development strategy of
chinese automobile companies in the russian market. Инструменты и механизмы
устойчивого инновационного развития, p.56.
Chery Automobile Co. Ltd is one of the specialist manufacturers of automobiles that
is founded by the government of China, hence is a Chinese state-owned automobile
manufacturer headquartered in Wuhu, Anhui, China. The company was founded in
1997 and is currently in the top 10 largest automobile manufacturers in China, with
nearly a million sales in 2021 only. Chery’s principal products are passenger cars,
minivans, and SUVs; it sells passenger cars under the Chery marque and commercial
vehicles under the Karry brand. According to Schortgen and Saee (2012) Chery began
the export of vehicles from China in 2001. Since 2003, Chery has been China's largest
passenger car exporter, and in 2011 the company exported around 25% of its total
production. The company has been launched in many countries around the world
including Australia, Pakistan, Argentina, Egypt, Bangladesh, Bulgaria, New Zealand,
Russia, Bolivia, Peru, South Africa, Benin, Tunisia, Côte d'Ivoire, UAE, USA, Chile,
Paraguay, Guatemala, Malaysia, Saudi Arabia, Ecuador, Zimbabwe, Iraq, Iran and
many other countries.
BMZ Academy 0612621185 0680538213