LE tu \( \ h
1\ L ri ni[i\ turruqrilpnLj
I+ rincrri etrr{t ?tr spe tii\t Ct sp*ce
- eYL\rnp\ts i an $\r Cier sno t'{ dr [f rnr rn0ps e,r
* suL\e-Po\rt\ ru\ di5 t(it{$\ \n tcrrttqfqpn$ r{n\tn
bhu'r*s Pt\{e { c\tt sPttL't-
'- L\r\it,rtnr piib{lt"Cir\LS L Vtt rrc0f I hc(tzcfiid\ ele')
Xrt- tuf ' CIutCtrl
mUQ\ 5flt\rt "t\t"0. tI t0Yuc\i ie I rr 0 p\tC\
* txO\tt S?c\tL r\b stLn b t\ \8I \,\t\ntl
- {silp PtL\ Bt\ tnrrlrtpYrt,t tr\ tuftr\f U!
* fnu$\ C\ e\d. ttvo fio\rr,tS firrrtrnQ, rrfirrth lnftns nactt
1Y1t tYr'rr c t {n& SPUte oNr} tCxTrtu66 6. \rnp \ I td ht'rnc1
n rcu t t \ tt tanrtr\r \ fn Qr optt r{\.:{ t U\ rtuOul rntrt
- \i5r\:\.\ o \ t-uxrbotoft '-Y\oQt6 ht tc\ania\r$rn
'"vlt htts tof \qhtut \t '\u0(t,' \Y\t tU\\Yr\ltc\n Spo\ ir#
\\fe o\\$ntrL .Stqxg \{e$q'
v '7t,
uinrS rb \f\rS \r'npof uClIlt pt tftt St,.,rdu5 o[ \rtQ.rCh,tt L
tn \ep. tii(n\Qtrcflt A( sQttcL,
V{ncLt \5 tht t(ttcx; tG
r t rna.QrnQ\r \ Q\ t\rQd\e\r] mqp tht rfl
tT,i EQ r{ilt J
, \
(nr Trlrri - t\o.r\t Stlossit
L) $n
t+ \ rb \ rt ff-AnrOtCU \n rRbG
Li1 arra BOt;gtC n
- RutrU i&r lLrn rifi1 eff\ t>i cLe, s ffr\icn ct rnr 0\C\
- r$,0.fi1\ tqtrb:ucon yr \lLbr\ u?p'i t,rgr rokt flrt trGr{_elrl llt \v- _
t s t rin\ u0!_g\00 u .5 ba n& +$t,
0 tr\ flte L0,\ \Bhr0.n
h S r n\ t" ti-
\rrT\pt y Ul ondt S pC,t rrr \ C,\r\occ t r0n .
(] dts ift, r0 r,sru pt tr& prestflr v\ft ff\e pos{
G h nul1fl\r| {' trnef) b i tr3r0 .{ \ t yt 0f \\lc p$,$t
€ Aneftiorrvt expYeSS\On ce \CInQrng
S\Q rii . (.I U\trQit u i O"isP \CLerneny
l"t \ \ L
" !f \ G Lt. b e{a1p nC.\S\ 5 c r\ frr '! \CiLj V CrC\
'rirr\i\5 qrrlfiriL! q pticlt -\rrg\C'ircu\ \C\tnY\fuJ
" rYlL itLtrSG'r \Q n C ( prt - (C\Q'fl\ e,1 rCent i \uj : .fi'nc\t,ness
t}n$ p\AY tvfl
eY ri\ if\P, L {fie c(:100r$\ (0rkcc5t crpntc \rnS
PUI $r\LJ.Ct\ tfQ POvt Ort t e\Strr.rnef e ( ftf rctr = ZrQn q
I Ur \bi]e0n = t1 GbU ia n
, home o
Et,iopia ran me rader,s
\.;;:rlritl1, lo ;i I?ltlj.JltlhTi ,!ii?l^.t*,,^*
*p'iiri ,rt; *li,*
':i i..,Jt u,;i,-1; r bt-( n,"rlt i',{ i,tr'i;'t
'ii i:-'ri-ititttt i-" n'""- \'ll
Zion,wewansohome, ;s i;iut ,i',':',ll..t , yrt -ttt v itrn"l {\-\i')'1
^to;oi; tI ,,- l.':tli
Zion,wewangohome, \$ gW +t n:Y itr !.tr'\ iJ
lt.',,f ' tit i't "'i: t ' " .
oh,oh, i i ir'
r)t_l'5 $ilt]Ll" ,;i,ilii,, i,i.ii'
Zion,wewangohome. ii,l,ri*ir1 ti ,tr ttrt :!t'nlsi littt : i; :':li'i'r'i'':'
v{hun Y"{L thrnt il.t li.rttY;.;1'l':t , i"i'f"lfli"'' t'd'T 5if r:itt'i ti i ll': ''r''-(":,
C{grS\\,'anf "?,T:i[''di
t i i it r "
l''i: '1 ii ir'',\nen
UqO ip irit uot d 1.,
.n i, ,Aa ttt
ru\r Q \0 ut.tunctron crQ h.. inonf
^\.r* \hrs Soern con EL cOn\\de/ed
su('cr\\ tutli\- T\-\i\ r eqorc\ '
Zion ar'd 6thiom$- Otpgft
{ngye }s \h\s r"noutr'-tll p'tccad tA
[,trn Un eon Potftl'
, o rs t eYgn[e I\ng \Ot,O 0ttne utorn e Un P0r Adt 6t trl
.v rtrrn $ h rl choocrnQ rv (rs CCrr
thr iiite ot tftt p 0 grn.
9y Bq tr ttrn
bo s[ th{
1^t0ra. d & TT
sa) Paradise - Brian Chan
L t\t r\
5z J-)
These islands we people
as ghosts, no matter howJ
1:? rooted our crops, cities
gzz and walls against the sea
oc; that lets us these alters
.ud- of our masochistic
"2> leaf-passion for the wind
- )*)
coming to rape our trees
or over the sea's edge
e3 fling out fishing boats
€tz like shadows, Iike black leaves.
Tt#ilT.q\\ $,+ll ,R * l$t p e rosltdnrs S unc\
ll[Hi1','ffiisiff,ti I ht+ilp 3d iH ffi- $l'ffi?ffiru, or
#hi"U{im **-.