,TMS3704 Assignment 5 COMPLETE ANSWERS) 2024
(623209) - DUE 2 September 2024 ; 100% TRUSTED
Complete, trusted solutions and explanations.
1. Tabulate the differences between teaching media and teaching
aids. (10) 50 TMS3704/Assignment 05 /2024 media that are
applicable in teaching the school subject Business Studies in the
FET band. Assessment criteria • Identify the similarities and
differences between the various teaching methods, learning
strategies, and teaching media as part of effective teaching that
will enhance learning in the classroom situation in teaching the
content of the school subject Business Studies.
Differences Between Teaching Media and Teaching Aids
Aspect Teaching Media Teaching Aids
Tools or channels used Objects or resources
Definition to deliver content to used to enhance
students teaching and learning
To communicate or To support or reinforce
present information the teaching process
Narrower, focusing on
Broader, including
specific items or
Scope various types of
resources used in
communication tools
Textbooks, digital Flashcards, models,
Examples platforms, projectors, charts, posters,
internet, videos whiteboards
, Aspect Teaching Media Teaching Aids
Typically involves more
Often allows for one-
Interaction hands-on, interactive
way communication
Level experiences (e.g., using
(e.g., video lectures)
Can be both low-tech
Technology Often involves digital (e.g., chalkboard) and
Involvement or electronic devices high-tech (e.g.,
interactive whiteboards)
Focuses on how the
Focuses on making
Content content is delivered
content understandable
Delivery (e.g., through media
and relatable
Can be passive or Often more active,
active depending on involving direct student
the media used interaction
Can be adaptable to May be more specific to
Flexibility different formats and particular lessons or
content concepts
Can be more
expensive, requiring Generally less expensive
investment in and often reusable
Teaching Media Applicable in Teaching Business Studies in
the FET Band
1. Textbooks: Provide structured content aligned with the