Assignment 05
Unique number: 638910
Due date: 26 September 2024
Answer: TRUE
The Basic Conditions of Employment Act bears a provision that states that no child
who is still under the age of 15 years, or who is still of compulsory school -going age,
shall be employed in order to realize the right of every child to be educated and to
eliminate child labor in South Africa.
Answer: FALSE
Explanation: The SIAS process is a process under policy. It guides the provision of
services to children with disabilities in the education sector. While the process takes
care of the children with a disability, it is not an Act.
Answer: FALSE
Seligman's PERMA model has five components, namely, Positive Emotion,
Engagement, Relationships, Meaning, and Accomplishment. "Love" was itself not
explicitly cited as a distinct component in the PERMA model.
Answer: TRUE
Ecosystemic resilience is the capacity of an ecosystem to recover from either shock
or continuous disturbance while still performing its core activities.
Response: TRUE
According to Bronfenbrenner's ecological systems theory, the mesosystem refers to
the interactions between the different systems in which a child is an active
participant, such as family, peer group, school, and community.