2025 English Home Language Grade 7: Planner
Pass Mark:50% Compulsory pass: Yes
Class Schedule: Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Teacher’s Name:
Pack for every class:
Reading book
Portfolio Work Tasks
Term Weight Supplies Needed Date
Brief Description
Due Term Year Y/N (List provided by school) Received Due
Oral:Read Aloud Task is done in term 22,22 % 6% N
1, recorded in term 2
1 Writing: Essay 33,33 % 7,2 % N
Test: Reading Comprehension, 66,67 % 12 % N
Language Structures and Conventions
Transactional Writing 11,11 % 2,4 % N
2 Exam: Reading Comprehension, 66,67 % 14,4 % N
Language Structures and Conventions
Writing: Essay and Transactional 62,5 % 12% N
Literature Test 37,5 % 7,2 % N
Oral: Presentation of writing project 22,11 % 8,89 % Y
(counts as part of term 4 exam mark)
Writing: Transactional Writing 11,11 % 4,44 % N
4 Exam: Reading Comprehension, 66,67 % 26,67 % N
Language Structures and Conventions
, 2025 Afrikaans First Additional Language Grade 7: Planner
Pass Mark:40% Compulsory pass: Yes
Class Schedule: Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Teacher’s Name:
Pack for every class:
Dictionary (Woordeboek)
Reading book (Leesboek)
Portfolio Work Tasks
Term Weight Supplies Needed Date
Brief Description
Due Term Year Y/N (List provided by school) Received Due
Oral:Read Aloud Task is done in term 22,22 % 6% N
1, recorded in term 2
1 Writing: Essay 33,33 % 7,2 % N
Test: Reading Comprehension, 66,67 % 12 % N
Language Structures and Conventions
Transactional Writing 11,11 % 2,4 % N
2 Exam: Reading Comprehension, 66,67 % 14,4 % N
Language Structures and Conventions
Writing: Essay and Transactional 62,5 % 12% N
Literature Test 37,5 % 7,2 % N
Oral: Presentation of writing project 22,11 % 8,89 % Y
(counts as part of term 4 exam mark)
Writing: Transactional Writing 11,11 % 4,44 % N
4 Exam: Reading Comprehension, 66,67 % 26,67 % N
Language Structures and Conventions