7th Grade
Latest uploads at 7th Grade. Looking for notes at 7th Grade? We have lots of notes, study guides and study notes available for your school.
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All courses for 7th Grade
- Economic and Management Sciences 3
- Economic Management Science 1
- Economics 1
- Economics and Management Sciences 1
- Ekonomiese Bestuur Wetenskappe 1
- Ekonomiese en Bestuurs-wetenskappe 1
- Ekonomiese en Bestuurswetenskappe 1
- Ekonomiese- en Bestuurswetenskappe 1
- EMS 20
- English 1
- English FAL 1
- English First Additional Language 2
- English Home Language 57
Latest notes & summaries 7th Grade
A life saver for the busy parent, these single page organisers for each of the Grade 7 subjects are based on the latest CAPS assessment plans. 
Each subject has its own planner that provides the following vital information: pass mark, whether it is compulsory to pass, what should be taken to school for each lesson, the term and year's portfolio work.
Good ebook to get new habits in Life
Mathematics indepth notes on exponential function
This document includes commas, capital letter, quotation marks, full stops, exclamation marks, question marks, hyphens, dashes, colons, brackets and ellipsis
this document includes all 9 different types of nouns as well as verb, conjunction, articles, preposition and adverbs
Term 4 Life Orientation for Grade 7 covers personal diet, nutrition, outdoor safety, and exercise benefits. It also looks at common diseases, their causes, treatments, and living with them. Lastly, it explores the role of oral traditions and writings in major religions.
Cooperation and Conflict on the Borders of the Cape Colony covers British arrival, expansion, and conflicts with the Xhosa and trekboers. It highlights the frontier wars, British battles for control, and the annexation of land. The summary also discusses the role of the Koranas, Griquas, and Tswanas in trade, the global economic impact, and how colonialism affected the region.
Explains the production process, sustainability, and economic growth. Highlights the role of technology in improving production efficiency. Discusses the importance of savings, community savings (stokvels), and the role of banks in managing money.
Natural Resources and Conservation in South Africa covers the significance of water, air, forests, soil, animals, marine life, and minerals. It highlights conservation efforts to protect ecosystems and biodiversity, emphasizing river and wetland health.
Covers the Sun's effect on Earth's seasons, energy, and life. Explains the Moon's phases, tides, and eclipses. Discusses early astronomy and the Ptolemaic and Copernican systems, along with concepts like photosynthesis, fossil fuels, and gravity.