On Stuvia you will find summaries, practice questions and other study documents for all subjects. Find all the summaries you need by looking for your subject.
You can also search for study books on Stuvia. Use your textbook as a starting point to find the best summaries, practice exams or notes.
Do you need summaries or notes during your time at UNISA? On Stuvia you'll find all kinds of documents that make studying for subjects easier.
Tens of thousands of people are searching for notes on Stuvia every day. Including yours! Some documents even sell hundreds of times.
Each time your document is sold, you earn money. This money is immediately credited to your account.
In less than a minute, you have created an account, set the price of your document and started selling!
Find the most downloaded documents of all studies in South Africa. Are you looking for summaries for your field of study? We have the most recent and best written summaries of South Africa!
Hundred thousands of people are searching for your content every day. You can easily upload your summaries to our platform and start earning money from your study notes. Your knowledge is worth money! Over 700,000 top sellers have already joined and are making money from their knowledge daily. Sign up for free today and start earning while helping others!
With the aid of Stuvia's website I was able to pay off my entire university fees. I am incredible grateful for Stuvia and the founders as they have made my dreams come true. Thank you Stuvia.
I believe it will assist me to manuveur through my studies successfully furthermore it will bring me in contact with other students from different institutions
I am truly honoured to be part of such a initiative. I not only get paid for my notes but i get to help others succeed academically. Thank you stuvia
Stuvia is one of the most effective systems I have ever worked with! Uploading documents, selling and buying summaries and even cashing out is so easily done. They truly deliver what they promise and I will use Stuvia as long as it exists!
Stuvia is a great platform to sell and buy extra resources to study from. It's also nice to make some money to buy new notes or as compensation for working so hard in making it.
It's a great way to earn some extra money for past assignments. Payments are always made on time and I am always surprised and delighted by the funds accumulated in my account after a few months.
Stuvia is a great way to help other Students to make studying easier. It also helps with making an extra buck with your hard work! Thanks Stuvia for helping!
I love Stuvia! It is an amazing way to gather and share information! I recommend it to all the students I know. If you are new to this site, you should definitely join!
I think Stuvia is a great initiative - linking students wanting to sell notes with student who need to buy notes! It’s very accessible to both the buyer and seller! I would definitely recommend stuvia to anyone wanting to sell or buy notes!
I think Stuvia is a great initiative - linking students wanting to sell notes with student who need to buy notes! It’s very accessible to both the buyer and seller! I would definitely recommend stuvia to anyone wanting to sell or buy notes! 

Stuvia is a platform where help is always one click away. Only a thoughtful and magnificent group of people could have created such a mind blowing community. 

Stuvia is awesome! I get to post old assignments that I put a lot of effort into and usually would just throw away after. But with stuvia I can earn a little cash from my hard work. Thank you!
Stuvia is definitely the most professional and user-friendly platform on which to buy and sell study material. A complete game-changer! A thank you to the Stuvia team for making all of this possible.
I think Stuvia super useful, because it provides a platform to share notes you spent time and effort preparing. Amazing to feel rewarded and share the wisdom :)
Stuvia is an amazing platform for students! It's easy to use and convenient. I've never thought of selling my notes and now it's the best thing ever! I recommend this platform to every student I come across.
Great platform to sell notes on. User-friendly and provides easy access to potential buyers, allowing the seller to stay relevant in the 'market'. Highly recommend.
Stuvia is a great platform! It's simple and easy to use, and provides an awesome way to help students, like myself, to not only receive an educational advantage in their studies, but also to earn an income. I love it!!!
Stuvia helps me sell my quality notes to others. Using Stuvia, I can earn a bit of extra money on the side whilst also helping others with their courses. It's a win win!
Stuvia is great, it is such a good way of earning extra money! As well as having easy access to loads of summaries and notes made by other students, it makes studying so much easier.
Stuvia is a great platform for students to support each other, It is good to know you have site where you can learn from others and others learn from you!

I absolutely love Stuvia! I think it's an awesome idea. Instead of
throwing away old notes and letting them go to waste, rather upload them to Stuvia to earn some money out of them. This site really has benefitted me!