10th Grade
Latest uploads at 10th Grade. Looking for notes at 10th Grade? We have lots of notes, study guides and study notes available for your school.
All courses for 10th Grade
- A programme of Music, Visual Arts and Drama education 2
- Accounting 42
- Advanced Program Mathematics 1
- Afrikaans 3
- Afrikaans FAL 1
- Afrikaans First Additional Language 3
- Afrikaans First Additional Language OR IsiXhosa First Additional Language 65
- Afrikaans HL 8
- Afrikaans huistaal 5
- Afrikaans second language 2
- Agricultural Sciences 1
- Agricultural-Management Practices 1
- Algebra ,English ,geometry , 2
- AQA 1
Popular books 10th Grade
Richard Rive • ISBN 9780864863034
ISBN 9781928370598
Zelda Bezuidenhout • ISBN 9780799391718
P. A. D. Beets • ISBN 9781415422670
Jean Bottaro, Pippa Visser, Nigel Worden, James Berrangé, James Whitelaw (Illustrator), Sean Strydom • ISBN 9780199057252
Wilma Bezuidenhout, Rudi Elliott • ISBN 9780195988291
Cecelia Steyn • ISBN 9780798180252
Nanette van Rooyen • ISBN 9780799358209
ISBN 9780195994957
Altus Strydom, Henricho Ferreira, Karoline Hanks • ISBN 9781107698918
Fanie Viljoen • ISBN 9780799378795
Samestelling • ISBN 9780799378672
Fanie Viljoen • ISBN 9780799351378
Latest notes & summaries 10th Grade
I personally used these documents/notes throughout grade 10. These notes are filled with great detail from each chapter in the textbooks and are easy to study from. When exams and tests came around during the year, I used these nots to study from and I was able to achieve brilliant marks whilst using them.
This document contains tests for each and every topic in the course for Grade 10 Life Sciences! 
 The content in this document is ALL of the work I did to achieve 96% for Life Sciences at the end of grade 10. 
This document makes use of the most fact-based and well-researched study method: ACTIVE RECALL. 
By using this document, you can identify what you don't know whilst simultaneously finding the answer to it. 
This document is the key to academic success in grade 10 Life Sciences. It...
Ons opsomming vir Graad 10 is 'n gestruktureerde en visueel aantreklike bron wat ontwikkel is deur die gebruik van die Verken handboek. Elke paragraaf word gekenmerk deur 'n unieke kleur, wat die leeservaring verbeter en die inhoud maklik identifiseerbaar maak. Ons het ook 'n handige woordelys ingesluit, waar moontlik, om die begrip van sleutelbegrippe te vergemaklik. Die opsomming dek Kwartaal 01 se werk en is 'n alomvattende studiegids vir leerders wat op soek is na 'n volledige begrip va...
Grade 10 Mathematics March Paper and Memo: 
Total: 60 Marks. 
Contents of the exam paper contains the following details: 
Numbers | Algebra | Exponents | Trigonometric ratios 
This is a practice paper with memorandum meant to test the student's knowledge, and will not be the same paper written for the exam. 
Besigheidstudies Graad 10 Kwartaal 4 opgesom uit die Verken Handboek
Besigheidstudies Graad 10 Kwartaal 1 opgesom uit die Verken Handboek
Graad 10 Lewenswetenskappe (bilogie) opsommings. Kwartaal 1 Selle: Basiese Eenhede Van Lewe. Ingesluit is sketse, aantekeninge, mindmaps en opsommings. Hierdie dokument bestaan uit 24 bladsye! NB vir eksamens en toetse! 
Geniet! -Notes@Hes
Graad 10 Bilogie (lewenswetenskappe) opsomming oor Lewe op Molekulêre vlak: Die Chemie van lewe. Proteïne + Lipiedes + Kolhidrate 
Hulpvaardig, netjies en NB vir toetse en eksamens. 
Graad 11 Wiskunde Vraestel Maart 2024 
Groot Totaal: 60 punte 
Hierdie vraestel dek die volgede werk: 
Esponente & wortels | Vergelykings & ongelykhede | Trigonometrie 
Hierdie is 'n oefenvraestel met memorandum bedoel om die leerling se kennis te toets, en sal nie dieselfde vraestel wees wat vir die eksamen geskryf word nie. 
The Grade 10 Tourism Notes Set is the perfect study aid for students preparing for the DBE/IEB exam. This comprehensive notebook contains colorful images and illustrations, especially for map work, which are in line with the current ATPS. Designed to help students understand and retain important information, this set of notes covers all the necessary topics for Grade 10 Tourism. With its easy-to-use format and useful visuals, the Grade 10 Tourism Notes set is a must-have for any student who want...