10th Grade
Latest uploads at 10th Grade. Looking for notes at 10th Grade? We have lots of notes, study guides and study notes available for your school.
All courses for 10th Grade
- A programme of Music, Visual Arts and Drama education 1
- Accounting 42
- Advanced Program Mathematics 1
- Afrikaans 3
- Afrikaans FAL 1
- Afrikaans First Additional Language 3
- Afrikaans First Additional Language OR IsiXhosa First Additional Language 65
- Afrikaans HL 8
- Afrikaans huistaal 5
- Afrikaans second language 2
- Agricultural Sciences 1
- Algebra ,English ,geometry , 2
- AQA 1
Popular books 10th Grade
Richard Rive • ISBN 9780864863034
ISBN 9781928370598
Zelda Bezuidenhout • ISBN 9780799391718
P. A. D. Beets • ISBN 9781415422670
Jean Bottaro, Pippa Visser, Nigel Worden, James Berrangé, James Whitelaw (Illustrator), Sean Strydom • ISBN 9780199057252
Wilma Bezuidenhout, Rudi Elliott • ISBN 9780195988291
Cecelia Steyn • ISBN 9780798180252
Nanette van Rooyen • ISBN 9780799358209
Samestelling • ISBN 9780799378672
ISBN 9780195994957
Altus Strydom, Henricho Ferreira, Karoline Hanks • ISBN 9781107698918
Fanie Viljoen • ISBN 9780799378795
Fanie Viljoen • ISBN 9780799351378
Latest notes & summaries 10th Grade
Character summaries for Elena, Ben, Frankie, Mirna, Milan and Milan's dad. Super helpful to be learnt with my character summaries. These notes will help you in your preparation for your next test on Ek was hier.
An in-depth summary of each chapter from Ek was hier. These notes can be used for any test, assessment or exam and will help you be the most prepared you will ever be to answer any questions on Ek was hier. I hope you found them as helpful as I did.
An in-depth summary of the different functions and gives examples of each. It also has my own questions and the memo after the theory of each function. You will be super prepared with these notes and they will help you in your preparation for your next Mathematics Paper 1 Exam.
This document provides an in-depth explanation of the Afrikaans FAL poem ''Eksieperfeksie''. It is great for people that really struggle to understand the poem, It is on the IEB standards and recommended for Grade 10 scholars
This is a FAL test on the Afrikaans poem ''BRIEF''. It is on the IEB standards and is great for preparing for your upcoming Afrikaans test, it not only gives you questions for ''BRIEF'' but also gives you an idea of what other tests might look like.
Graad 10 LO OPSOMMINGS KWARTAAL 1-4. Belangrike opsommings vir beide Junie en November eksamens. Hierdie dokument bestaan uit 23 BLADSYE , dit bevat die opsommings van die LO leerwerk vir eksamens. Ek het baie MOEITE gedoen met die dokument en hoop dit maak LO n bietjie makliker en VINNIG sodat jy op jou ander vakke kan fokus wanneer eksamen aanbreuk…Geniet! ~Notes@Hes
Grade 10 Business Studies Notes Simplified. Easy to Understand, Simplified Notes. Based on the topic: Levels of Management
Class Notes Grade 10 based on Analytical Geometry
Essay Topic: Consider the review below: 
“Jesse Eisenberg presents Mark Zuckerberg as a complex character: stubborn and manic yet somehow we can empathise with him”. 
In an essay of 500 words, discuss to what extent this statement is true in at least 2 sequences from the film. 
This film Essay Received an A+ grade
Essay topic: Analyse the quotation By Khalid Hosseini below and write an essay in response to the topic that follows: 
“No matter how far wrong you’ve gone, you can always turn around” Khaled Hosseini 
In a carefully planned essay of 500 words, discuss how this quotation is evident in Amir’s journey 
This essay received an A+ grade