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Latest notes & summaries 11
Dit is 'n opsomming van alles oor Vyf Koeplette As Detox. Dit bevat die tema en sub-temas, 'n verduideliking van die titel sowel as die subtitel en gedetaileerde verklarings en beskrywings van elke versreël.
This note pack covers the themes, character breakdowns and complete summary of the plot in the Great Gatsby movie
Notes on the following: 
Human nutrition: Definitions,Food groups,Molecules of life,Digestive system,Enzymes. 
Microbes: Definitions, Viruses, Bacteria, Protista 
Nervous System: Co ordination, Nerves, Impulses and synapses, Spinal chord, Refelx arc, Brain, PNS
Herewith is a document explaining all Geography mapwork techniques and formulas, including diagrams to represent how to proceed with the techniques.
This document is a comprehensive summary of the ieb Grade 11 Circulatory system. Herewith there are diagrams labelling structures and processes of the heart aswell as included extra information.
This document is a comprehensive summary of the Grade 11 Nervous system. Labelled diagrams are included aswell as definitions.
This document is a summary of the excretory system, herewith there are diagrams representing certain processes aswell as helpful extra facts and definitions. Furthermore all sections of the excretory system are covered in detail.
This document is a summary of the bone injuries, human skeleton - axial and appendicular (not including bone types), joints, joint injuries,skeletal diseases. Including diagrams and illustrations and definitions.
These documents are summaries of the 4 main and most important topics covered in grade 11, supporting systems in animals does not contain the bone types as these should be known.
This document includes the structure of the economy, Agriculture, Mining, Secondary and Tertiary Sectors and strategies for industrial development. It includes all the economic terms associated with these topics and is a comprehensive source of these chapters, as well as all the extra information needed.