Visual Arts and Music
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Visual Arts
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matric IEB visual cuture studies syllabus
- Summary • 22 pages • 2021
- R200,00
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This document consists of notes for an IEB Matric visual culture syllabus. The following notes are all certified for the final IEB examination, however may differ from your class notes due to the syllabus being allowed to choose any artworks from the specific time periods. the following is contained in the document: atleast 1 artist for each era, the title of the artists artwork, with the description, and facts on the artwork.
Exam notes/ Exam prep/ Class notes on Visual Art
- Interview • 14 pages • 2021
- R200,00
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This includes all movements and multiple art works + artist per movement covered in the IEB SAGS, (dada, surrealism, abstract expressionism, minimalism, pop art, super realism, polly street, rorke’s drift, South African resistance, contemporary European art)
IEB Art Theory Summary
- Summary • 24 pages • 2021
- R80,00
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This summary includes all you need to know for IEB trials and final exams. The document is very colourful and detailed. Each section covered also includes 2-3 artists each that are thoughtfully researched and perfect for essays and long questions in exams.
Musiek Gr12 (teorie en westerse kunsmusiek) opsommings
- Summary • 36 pages • 2021
- R120,00
- 1x sold
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Hierdie dokument bevat opsommings vir die volgende onderwerpe: 
Opera (en die ontwikkeling daarvan) 
Die towerfluit (W.A. Mozart) 
Beweging 1,2,4 en 5 van Beethoven se pastorale simfonie 
Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy 
Hebrides Ouverture in Bmin Op 26 
Suid-Afrikaanse musiekindustrie 
Sowel as basiese musiekteorie notas vir: 
Majeur melodie 
Vierstemmige "cheat-sheet" 
Die dokument is hoofsaaklik saamgestel uit klasnotas.
Visual Art - Grade 12 (GDE) - CAPS
- Package deal • 7 items • 2021
- R260,00
- 4x sold
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A full summary of all sections covered in the Visual Arts matric final, from an above 90% average student. Also included are practise essays in exam format.
Make study stress less painful
Visual Art Final exam - CAPS 2020 - Example essays
- Summary • 6 pages • 2021
- Available in package deal
- R60,00
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Pre-written essays as formulated in the Visual Art Final examination for CAPS
Emerging South African artists and international influences affecting them - Visual Arts, ISBN: 9781775810087 Visual Arts and Music
- Summary • 3 pages • 2021
- Available in package deal
- R50,00
- 1x sold
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Emerging South African artists and international influences affecting them
The Influence of indigenous African Art on European art forms - Visual Arts, ISBN: 9781775810087 Visual Arts and Music
- Summary • 3 pages • 2021
- Available in package deal
- R50,00
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The Influence of indigenous African Art on European art forms
Socio-political art - including resistance art of the 70's and 80's - Visual Arts, ISBN: 9781775810087 Visual Arts and Music
- Summary • 7 pages • 2021
- Available in package deal
- R50,00
- 1x sold
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Socio-political art - including resistance art of the 70's and 80's
Multimedia and new media - Alternative contemporary and popular art forms Visual Arts, ISBN: 9781775810087 Visual Arts and Music
- Summary • 6 pages • 2021
- Available in package deal
- R50,00
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multi media
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