Afrikaans HL
12th Grade
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’n Brief van hulle vakansie – Breyten Breytenbach
- Summary • 5 pages • 2025
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- R230,00
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This document unpacks the longing and isolation expressed in this poem. It includes an analysis of the imagery, structure, and themes like separation and nostalgia. 
Hierdie dokument bespreek die verlange en isolasie wat in die gedig voorkom. Dit sluit ’n analise van beeldspraak, struktuur, en temas soos skeiding en nostalgie in.
Twee kleuters in die Vondelpark – Elisabeth Eybers
- Summary • 5 pages • 2025
- Available in package deal
- R230,00
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A detailed exploration of this poem's themes of innocence, sibling bonds, and vulnerability. Includes in-depth analysis of tone, imagery, and possible exam questions. 
’n Diepgaande ondersoek na die temas van onskuld, sibling-verhoudings, en kwesbaarheid. Sluit ’n volledige analise van toon, beeldspraak, en moontlike eksamenvrae in.
Vincent van Gogh – DJ Opperman
- Summary • 5 pages • 2025
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- R230,00
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This analysis examines DJ Opperman's tribute to Vincent van Gogh, focusing on themes of creativity, isolation, and the struggle for recognition. A thorough breakdown of symbols, imagery, and tone ensures complete exam readiness. 
Hierdie analise bespreek DJ Opperman se huldeblyk aan Vincent van Gogh, met fokus op temas soos kreatiwiteit, isolasie en die stryd om erkenning. Die volledige ontleding van simbole, beeldspraak en toon help jou met eksamenvoorbereiding.
Nog in my laaste woorde – NP van Wyk Louw
- Summary • 4 pages • 2025
- Available in package deal
- R230,00
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A detailed analysis of "Nog in my laaste woorde" explores the themes of legacy, mortality, and the power of words. This document provides a breakdown of the structure, figurative language, tone, and themes, along with potential exam questions and answers to prepare you thoroughly. 
 ’n Volledige analise van "Nog in my laaste woorde" fokus op die temas van nalatenskap, sterflikheid en die krag van woorde. Hierdie dokument bied insigte oor struktuur, beeldspraak, toon en temas, sow...
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