12th Grade
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The Subjunctive - French
- Summary • 4 pages • 2023
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- R133,00
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Notes and conjugations on the subjunctive tense in French.

French Verbs and Tenses
- Summary • 12 pages • 2023
- Available in package deal
- R155,00
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This document includes the French conjugations and rules of regular and irregular verbs in the present tense, the past tense (le passé composé and l'imparfait), the future tense (le futur simple), the conditional tense, the 'plusque parfait' and the past conditional.

French notes Grade 12 - La Vengeance du Pardon partie 8-15 & les poemes
- Summary • 3 pages • 2023
- R80,00
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French notes Grade 12 - La Vengeance du Pardon partie 8-15 & les poemes 
- La Vengeance Du Pardon Partie 8-15 summary 
- Les poemes - Une vie, une etoile, Demain, Demain des l'aube, N'ecris pas, Le jeune homme et le vieillard, N 110 1240 A125, Spleen
7 IEB set-work poems fully annotated and summarized.

La Vengeance Du Pardon Full Summary
- Summary • 10 pages • 2022
- R150,00
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These notes consist of notes on the entire story of La Vengeance Du Pardon studied in grade 11 and grade 12 for final NSC exams. There is a summary of each visit as well as in between events. There are quotes included as well as descriptions of the apartment, Sam Louis etc. This document consists of 10 pages fully detailed.
In depths French Grammer Notes for Grade 11 and onwards. Document has grammer rules and example in an easy to understand and learn format.

French IEB : Summary of Grade 12 2017 - 2019 short story : un petit morceau de pain
- Summary • 32 pages • 2022
- R100,00
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A thorough summary of the short story un petit morceau de pain from the book 13 à table. You will find a timeline of the story, useful quotes, a breakdown of the characters and a look at the themes presented in the book.

Summary : Une vie, une étoile - Grade 12 French IEB Poetry
- Summary • 8 pages • 2022
- R150,00
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A thorough summary of the Grade 12 French IEB poem, Une vie, une étoile. This document covers vocabulary, figures of speech, a look at the different tenses and their meanings as well as themes and symbolism of images.
Chapter summaries on the entirety of the short story ‘La Vengeance du Pardon’ required for the IEB French second additional language syllabus.
Summaries and notes for french students on poetry and grammar.Applicable to Matric IEB students as well as university students

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