Theory of Interest 152 (TOI152)
Stellenbosch University (SUN)
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All formulas and calculation methods covered in this course. In-depth summary with tables. Includes chapters 1-4 of the prescribed textbook.
Covers all work in Theory of Interest 152:
- Includes examples and answers to questions.
- Practice questions

2018 A2 Theory of Interest 152 SOLUTIONS Renterek 152 Oplossings
- Answers • 17 pages • 2019
- R80,00
- 8x sold
- + learn more
Full solutions, showing all workings, steps and HP financial calculator steps for the 2018 A2 (exam) past paper. 
Renterek 152 2018 A2 vraestel- alle bewerkings en stappe asook notes op die HP Finansiële sakrekenaar.

Theory of interest 152 A1 Summaries
- Summary • 12 pages • 2019
- R150,00
- 4x sold
- + learn more
They are comprehensive, easily understandable and have all the tips (a lot of tips) and methods that you need to ace the test. It covers all the steps you need to tackle any question. It breaks down the process in a way for you to understand, it has fail proof methods, it’s colorful & it is in handwriting - helping your brain to remember it better.
It also teaches you how to use your HP IIb Financial Calculator.

English Theory of Interest 152 A2 SUMMARIES
- Summary • 22 pages • 2019
- R220,00
- 15x sold
- + learn more
They are comprehensive, easily understandable and have all the tips (a lot of tips) and methods that you need to ace the test. It covers all the steps you need to tackle any question. It breaks down the process in a way for you to understand, it has fail proof methods, it’s colorful & it is in handwriting - helping your brain to remember it better.
It also teaches you how to use your HP IIb Financial Calculator.

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