Economics 110 (EKN110)
University of Pretoria (UP)
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EBOOK: Economics: A Southern African Context, 3e
J. van Rensburg, Campbell McConnell, Stanley Brue, Sean Flynn
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Economics: A Southern African Context, 3e - EKN110 - Chapter 9
- Summary • 7 pages • 2025
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- R65,33
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These notes are an in-depth summary of Chapter 9 in the textbook:nEconomics: A Southern African Context, 3e. These notes give a detailed explanation of a purely competitive labour market and economic effects of unions. It also includes theory on anti discrimination policies, labour, wages and earnings as well as minimum wage controversy in an easy to understand format.

Economics: A Southern African Context, 3e - EKN110 - Chapter 8
- Summary • 7 pages • 2025
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- R55,33
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These notes are an in-depth summary of Chapter 8 in the textbook: Economics: A Southern African Context, 3e. These notes explain all the characteristics of the pure monopoly market model as well as demand and profit maximisation for a pure monopolist. Other concepts included are price discrimination, economic effects of a monopoly and regulated monopolies.

Economics: A Southern African Context, 3e - EKN110 - Chapter 7
- Summary • 5 pages • 2025
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- R55,33
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These notes are an in-depth summary of Chapter 7 from the textbook: Economics: A Southern African Context, 3e. These notes provide an introduction to the four market models and go into great detail about Pure Competition specifically. Demand and Profit maximisation in a purely competitive market are discussed in great detail yet in an easy to understand format.

Economics: A Southern African Context, 3e - EKN110 - Chapter 5
- Summary • 12 pages • 2025
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- R65,33
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These notes are an in-depth summary of Chapter 5 from the textbook: Economics: A Southern African Context, 3e. These notes explain the very important concept of demand and supply in economics. Many diagrams are included to show the changes in demand and supply. Consumer and Producer surplus is also explained in these notes as well as government set prices .

Economics: A Southern African Context, 3e - EKN110 - Chapter 4
- Summary • 12 pages • 2025
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- R87,33
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These notes are an in-depth summary of Chapter 4 in the textbook: Economics: A Southern African Context, 3e. In these notes the cost of production is explained in great detail including the explicit and implicit costs as well as short and long run costs. Fixed and variable costs are also covered as well as economies of scale. Many pictures and diagrams are included to make the notes easy to understand .

Economics: A Southern African Context, 3e - EKN110 - Chapter 3
- Summary • 7 pages • 2025
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- R73,33
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These notes are an in depth summary of Chapter 3 in the textbook: Economics: A Southern African Context, 3e. The concept of utility is explained as well as the two types of utility (Cardinal and Ordinal). These detailed notes include theory, diagrams as well as practical examples of how to answer questions step by step.

Economics: A Southern African Context, 3e - EKN110 - Chapter 2
- Summary • 8 pages • 2025
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- R65,33
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This is an in depth summary of Chapter 2 in the textbook: Economics: A Southern African Context, 3e . These notes describe and explain the different economic systems and how they work. It is in an easy to understand layout and includes a side by side comparison of each system. The five fundamental questions of the market system are also included.

Economics: A Southern African Context, 3e - (EKN110) - Chapter 1
- Summary • 3 pages • 2025
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- R50,00
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These notes provide an in-depth summary of Chapter 1 of the textbook Economics: A Southern African Context, 3e. These notes provide an introduction to economics including the economic perspective, scientific method, macro and micro-economics as well as positive and normative economics.

Economics 110 Chapters 1,2,3,4,5,7,8,9
- Summary • 7 pages • 2024
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- R350,00
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These are the summaries that I made for EKN 110 using the textbook. These notes have all the important information needed for tests and exams in an easy to understand language and format. I used these notes and passed economics with distinction.

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