EKN 120 (EKN120)
University of Pretoria (UP)
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EKN120- Chapter 11(The South African Economy, Circular Flows and Economic Limitations)
- Other • 10 pages • 2022
- Available in package deal
- R79,00
- 1x sold
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Pink aesthetic notes covering chapter 11 of EKN120, The South African Economy, Circular Flows and Economic Limitations.
EKN 120 Chapter 14 notes. These notes were made using the following textbook: Economics: A Southern African Context 3rd Edition.
EKN 120 Chapter 12 notes. These notes were made using the following textbook: Economics: A Southern African Context 3rd Edition.
EKN 120 Chapter 11 notes. These notes were made using the following textbook: Economics: A Southern African Context 3rd Edition.
EKN 120 Chapter 15 notes. These notes were made using the following textbook: Economics: A Southern African Context 3rd Edition.
EKN 120 Chapter 13 notes. These notes were made using the following textbook: Economics: A Southern African Context 3rd Edition
This bundle contains all 5 chapters (11-15) to be tested in the EKN120 semester test 2 2022.
overview summarization of the key concepts and learning outcomes of the chapter
Contains chapters 1-3 covered in semester test one. Includes theory, tables, graphs and interpretations for EKN 120.

EKN120 Cht 11 - South African Economy: Circular flows and Limitations
- Summary • 6 pages • 2022
- Available in package deal
- R70,00
- 3x sold
- + learn more
Content covered: 
- Role players in economy. 
- Circular flow diagram. 
- Societies economizing problem. 
- Production possibilities curve.

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