HFL1501 Historical Foundations of South African Law (HFL1501)
University of South Africa
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HFL1501-Historical Foundations Of South African Law Final Portfolio.
- Exam (elaborations) • 10 pages • 2022
- R61,84
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HFL1501-Historical Foundations Of South African Law Final Portfolio. PART ONE 
1. The South African Law Reform Commission was established in 1973. There 
are certain matters that are approved by the Minister of Justice and 
Constitutional Development and referred to the South African Law Reform 
Commission by Parliament. The task of the Commission is to then investigate 
and researc...
HFL1501 - Historical Foundations Of South African Law Semester 1 and 2 3/2022.
- Exam (elaborations) • 13 pages • 2022
- R61,84
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HFL1501 - Historical Foundations Of South African Law Semester 1 and 2 3/2022. Purpose 
The purpose of this module is to provide students with an outline of the origins of the South African 
legal system, focussing on the indigenous African, Western and human-rights traditions. It 
addresses the contribution made by the liberation movement in problematising apartheid policies 
and laws, as well as their contributions in shaping South African law. Aspects of transformative 
constitutionalism wil...
HFL1501 Historical Foundations of South African Law Semester 1 and 2 3/2022.
- Exam (elaborations) • 13 pages • 2022
- R61,84
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HFL1501 Historical Foundations of South African Law Semester 1 and 2 3/2022. 1 INTRODUCTION 
Unisa is a comprehensive ODeL higher education institution. The comprehensiveness of our 
curricula encapsulates a range of offerings, from strictly vocational to strictly academic 
certificates, diplomas and degrees. Unisa's "openness" and its distance eLearning character 
result in many students registering at Unisa who may not have had an opportunity to enrol in 
higher education. Our ODeL charact...
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