PED3701 Psychology Of Education (PED3701)
University of South Africa
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PED3701 EXAM PACK 2023
- Exam (elaborations) • 184 pages • 2023
- Available in package deal
- R46,86
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PED3701 EXAM PACK 2023

PED3701 EXAM PACK 2023
- Exam (elaborations) • 184 pages • 2023
- Available in package deal
- R56,24
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PED3701 EXAM PACK 2023

PED3701 EXAM PACK 2023
- Exam (elaborations) • 185 pages • 2023
- Available in package deal
- R46,86
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latest questions and answers

PED3701 EXAM PACK 2024
- Exam (elaborations) • 183 pages • 2023
- Available in package deal
- R56,24
- 1x sold
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latest questions with well analyzed answers prepared for exam preparation.

Multiple choice Psychology of Education PED3701
- Exam (elaborations) • 42 pages • 2022
- R56,24
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Multiple choice Psychology of Education PED3701 
Multiple choice questions: 
The following two criteria must be presented to describe an adolescent as resilient, namely significant 
adversity and: 
1. Negative adjustment 
2. Positive adjustment (page 237) 
3. Negative support 
4. Positive support 
A learner who repeatedly scores low marks in tests, and attribute this to the teacher who is seen as 
being against them, is using the following defence mechanism 
1. Denial 
2. Depression 
3. Projecti...

Psychology of Education Main Exam 2022
- Exam (elaborations) • 6 pages • 2022
- R84,36
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Adolescence is a developmental period characterized by multiple changes in virtually every 
aspect of an individual's life, calling for new psychological adaptations. Exposure to different 
stressors caused by these changes represents a central and normal part of the process of 
growth and development during adolescence. However, experience of cumulative and 
simultaneous negative stressors remains central as a potential threat to the well-being and 
healthy development during adolescence. Mean...

PED3701 Multiple Choice questions.
- Exam (elaborations) • 42 pages • 2022
- R56,24
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PED3701 Multiple 
Choice questions. 
Multiple choice questions: 
The following two criteria must be presented to describe an adolescent as resilient, namely significant 
adversity and: 
1. Negative adjustment 
2. Positive adjustment (page 237) 
3. Negative support 
4. Positive support 
A learner who repeatedly scores low marks in tests, and attribute this to the teacher who is seen as 
being against them, is using the following defence mechanism 
1. Denial 
2. Depression 
3. Projection (page 105...

- Exam (elaborations) • 57 pages • 2022
- R56,24
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Explain the following aspects in your own words for five (5) marks each. Do not write more than ten (10) 
sentences in each case. 
1.1 Discuss adolescents’ vulnerability to accidents. Page 24 - 25 (5) 
Accidents as a health hazard increase during adolescence, especially among boys. Many accidents are caused 
by daring, taking risks and being careless. Boys, in particular, like performing daring stunts with cars, 
motorcycles, bicycles, rollerblades, skateboards...

PED3701 EXAM PACK 2022
- Exam (elaborations) • 184 pages • 2022
- R56,24
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PED3701 EXAM PACK 2022 
October/November 2020 
Psychology of Education 
100 Marks 
Duration 04 Hours 
This paper consists of SIX (6) pages. 
 This is a "take-home" online examination. It means that you may download the examination 
paper, complete it and upload your answers. 
 Your answers must be uploaded within four hours. 
 This examination paper consists of four questions, counting 25 marks each. 
 All the question...

PED3701 EXAM PACK 2022
- Exam (elaborations) • 182 pages • 2022
- R58,11
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PED3701 EXAM PACK 2022. PED3701 - Psychology Of Education 
Read the following extract and answer the questions given below. 
In the first five years of life an evolving experience occurs in the child's mind-body complex 
which precedes action and influences what the child will do in a given situation. As the child 
develops cognitively, emotionally, and physically, there is a growing ability to evaluate a 
situation and anticipate the consequences of behaviour before choosing an action. One of ...

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