Black panthers - Study guides, Study notes & Summaries
Looking for the best study guides, study notes and summaries about Black panthers? On this page you'll find 18 study documents about Black panthers.
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Civil Society Protest - Black Power Movement
- Summary • 6 pages • 2020
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- R50,00
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These are notes for IEB Grade 12 History and cover the Black Power Movement in the USA. They cover the origins, influences, leaders as well as achievements of the movement. This topic falls under the Civil Society Protest theme which is examined in the IEB History Paper 2.

Black Power Movement and Black Panthers - IEB History
- Summary • 4 pages • 2020
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- R50,00
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Easy and comprehensive notes on the Black Power Movement andthe Black Panthers written by a Saheti matriculant that achieved a distinction in History in 2019.

IEB History Paper 2
- Package deal • 9 items • 2020
- R300,00
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This bundle includes notes for Vietnam, China, Students Movement, Hippie Movement, Black power Movement, Black Panthers Movement and Civil Rights Movement. It also includes A discussion essay and an extended writing on China along with an extended writing on the Truman Doctrine and Marshall Plan. These were written by a 2019 SAHETI Matriculant.

History Paper 2: The Black Power Movement
- Summary • 6 pages • 2020
- R80,00
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A detailed summary of the Black Power Movement, including a breakdown of each important organisation, a summary of the famous icons involved in the movement and a timeline and brief summary of the events that took place.

Civil Society Protests - History Grade 12 - IEB
- Summary • 20 pages • 2019
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- R80,00
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The following notes are in depth and detailed notes on the Civil Society Protests. The notes are broken up in a way that is easy to remember for commonly asked source based questions by the IEB and offers a summary of a timeline. The notes include: The Civil Rights Movement, Black Power Movement, The Black Panthers, Women movement, Feminists, Students Movement, Anti-Vietnam War Movement, The Disarmament Movement

History: Topic 3 civil protest in the US
- Summary • 24 pages • 2019
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- R150,00
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A good summary on Us civil Rights movements (women's movement, the peace movement, etc. ), Black power and other forms of protest in the USA. It is made from class notes, two textbooks, and other notes. It is good to study for finals and it has everything you need. If you feel I left something out, message me and I will readjust the notes and send them back!

Civil Society Protest in the USA
- Summary • 18 pages • 2019
- Available in package deal
- R180,00
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full note pack on civil society protest in the USA. created by an A aggregate history student and checked by IEB history teachers. sufficient for studying USA civil society protests including civil rights movement, disarmament campaign and women's movement

Civil Rights Movement in America
- Summary • 21 pages • 2019
- Available in package deal
- R95,00
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Detailed notes on the Civil Rights Movement in America. Includes Martin Luther King, all organisations, the Black Power movement, the women's movement, anti-war movements and students movements

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