English poems - Study guides, Study notes & Summaries
Looking for the best study guides, study notes and summaries about English poems? On this page you'll find 303 study documents about English poems.
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Afrikaans Poetry Notes Grade 12 (IEB) ALL NOTES IN ENGLISH AND AFRIKAANS
- Class notes • 70 pages • 2024
- Available in package deal
- R125,00
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This is a collection of notes in English and Afrikaans for all Afrikaans Second Additional Language Poetry in the IEB Syllabus. 
The list of poems include: 
- Aandeelhouer 
- Die Wêreld het so Klein Geword 
- Daarom 
- Strelitzia 
- Staan Op! 
- Sterrekyker 
- Touloper 
- Vraagteken? 
- Klein Geloof 
- Taylor Swift 
- Mamma Kan Ek Nie Sê Nie 
- Sondagaande

Mirror in-depth notes - IEB English Home Language Poem
- Summary • 14 pages • 2024
- Available in package deal
- R100,00
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One of the selected poems for IEB English Home Language. 'Mirror' by Sylvia Plath. Explores the themes and poetic devices of the poem.

Gr 12 Poetry Package
- Package deal • 10 items • 2024
- R210,00
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This package is all the 10 poems for Gr.12 English FAL Poetry:

1. Hard to Find
2. Innversnaid
3. On the Grasshopper and the Cricket
4. Reciprocities
5. The Lake of Isle Innisfree
6. Sonnet 73
7. The night-jar and Inkosazana Yasezulwini
8. The Salve Dealer
9. And you Laughed...
10. What life is really like


IEB English 8 Poem Package
- Package deal • 8 items • 2024
- R294,00
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An in-depth line-by-line (and further!!) analysis of 8 IEB poems. These notes helped me get 96% for English in my matric finals and I have no doubt that they'll help you too.

Your money will go to the Restory Foundation and contribute towards empowering the marginalized, especially orphans and vulnerable children and youth, to

AIS3702 Assignment 2 (COMPLETE ANSWERS) 2023 - DUE 28 July 2023
- Other • 14 pages • 2023
- R50,00
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AIS3702 Assignment 2 (COMPLETE ANSWERS) 2023 - DUE 28 July 2023 
Questions answered: 
9.5.2 Assignment 02 
Read study units 13-16 and do the examples as instructed at the end of each study unit. 
Study the examples in Tutorial Letter 103 (the workbook) and answer the questions after each 
section. Check your answers to determine your understanding. Read the explanations provided 
with the answers. Below is another example of the process: 
1. The Gospel a...
Bundle for CAT students: Afrikaans poetry, English poetry (select poems), CAT summary and Donker web summary

ENG2611 Exam OCT/NOV answers (Portfolio) 2023 Semester 2
- Other • 10 pages • 2023
- R50,00
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ENG2611 Exam OCT/NOV answers (Portfolio) 2023 Semester 2 
Read the questions below carefully and write all your responses in paragraph form. 
1.1. Leland et al. (2013) suggest that we must read what we understand because if a piece 
is beyond our understanding, then we get nothing out of it. Do you agree with this 
view? Briefly explain your answer in a paragraph of no more than FIVE sentences. 
 (5 marks) 
1.2. In a paragraph of no more than 200 words, explain in what...

English Poetry IEB 2023 part 1
- Interview • 8 pages • 2023
- Available in package deal
- R100,00
- 8x sold
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In depth English IEB poetry notes on 7 poems - nobody loses all the time, remember, will it so be again?, to me fair friend, you never can be old, the tenant, mirror, the sun rising. 
These notes helped me obtain 98% for my June Term 2 Examinations for the poetry section as well as 100% for my poetry section in my Trials/Preliminary Examinations, The notes are very well structured, helping guide and assist you to learn all the knowledge needed for these specific poems.

Touloper Bundle: Translation Plus Detailed Line by Line Analysis
- Package deal • 8 items • 2023
- R450,00
- 1x sold
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With these detailed line-by-line English translations and analyses, you will not only be able to understand the poems, but also be ready for any question as the most important Afrikaans words are in brackets in order for you to identify said word in a test or exam.

Verskuns vir graad 12 eerste addisionele taal - Afrikaans First Additional Language: Examinable Poems translated to english
- Summary • 12 pages • 2024
- R50,00
- 3x sold
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Afrikaans FAL Grade 12 – Gedigte (Poems) for final NSC Examinations – English Translations 
1.	"Krisis" by Elisabeth Eybers 
2.	"Die heks van Hexrivier" by Philip Nel 
3.	"Sproeireën" by D.J. Opperman 
4.	"Wetenskapmannetjies" by Antjie Krog 
5.	"Die dans van die reën" by Eugène N. Marais 
6.	"Ken jy die see ..." by Uys Krige 
7.	"Die Hanswors" by S.J. Pretorius 
8.	"Die hardloper" by Ernst van Heerden 
9.	“Eksamenlokaal” by Suzaan Laing 
10. “ Haar u...

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