Notes - Study guides, Study notes & Summaries
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- Summary • 154 pages • 2023
- R200,00
- 6x sold
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**Note: sharing of these notes is an infringement of copy rights and is punishable by law. We can see who downloaded the notes and shared them. ** 
The notes include: 
- Semester 1 & 2 Content (semester 1 content refined and shortened) 
- Summaries of all prescribed cases 
- Case summaries include the facts, issue, outcome & the significance where relevant. 
- Summaries of all prescribed articles etc. 
- Notes from the textbook. 
- Relevant information from lecture slides. 
- Tabl...
This is a summary of the possible exam questions that may appear in the final exam of NTL 120/121/122.

Grade 12 Poems English HL NSC 2024/ 2023 and Notes
- Summary • 60 pages • 2024
- R160,00
- 4x sold
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Grade 12 NSC Exam Notes on ALL Poetry, Line by line analysis for all poems and explanations for those who do not understand and want to improve poetry marks. I got an A in matric last year using these notes. It includes notes for all the poems which are 1 Sonnet 130 William Shakespeare 
2 The child who was shot dead by soldiers in Nyanga Ingrid Jonker 
3 At a Funeral Dennis Brutus 
4 Poem of Return Jofre Rocha 
5 Talk to the Peach Tree Sipho Sepamla 
6 Prayer to Masks Léopold Sédar Sengh...
- Summary / Study Notes for Paper 1 according new syllabus 
- RAF, Magistrates Court, High Court, Criminal Procedure.

Grade 10_Life Orientation Noteset
- Summary • 43 pages • 2023
- Available in package deal
- R140,00
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The Grade 10 Life Orientation Notes Set is a comprehensive set of notes covering all the topics for terms 1 to 4. These notes are designed to be colorful and easy to read, making them perfect for revision purposes. They cover a wide range of Life Orientation topics including personal development, health, relationships and careers. Whether you're a student looking to pass your exam or a teacher looking for a useful resource, the Grade 10 Life Orientation Notebook is a must-have addition to your ...

Research Theory 201B Notes
- Summary • 82 pages • 2023
- R149,00
- 6x sold
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This document contains information from the study guid, slides and lectures. It summarises the entire Marketing Research Theory 201B syllabus. 
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Psychopathology 8112 - Exam Notes
- Summary • 105 pages • 2023
- R100,00
- 7x sold
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These notes include: 
•	All the learning units and relevant learning objectives (LU1-LU13) 
•	DSM-5 diagnostic criteria (where necessary) 
They combine notes from the lecture slides, articles and the textbook.

Donkerweb Summary and class notes
- Summary • 100 pages • 2024
- Available in package deal
- R235,00
- 5x sold
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this set of notes summarises the entire book in both English and Afrikaans (black writing English and blue writing Afrikaans)These summaries work best in cohesion with my Donkerweb in depth note analysis and the summaries are aesthetic and colourful. The notes summarise each chapter including additional class notes, facts about the countries visited, physical descriptions, plot line and important quotes or conversations. These notes helped me achieve an ieb distinction for Afrikaans in matric.

Governmental Economics (DEC20A)_University noteset
- Summary • 75 pages • 2024
- R250,00
- 2x sold
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Are you a student looking to excel in your governmental economics course? Look no further than the Governmental Economics (DEC20A) University noteset. This comprehensive noteset covers all the key concepts, theories, and models taught in governmental economics classes. With detailed explanations and illustrative examples, this noteset will help you grasp complex economic principles with ease. Perfect for exam preparation or just staying ahead of the curve in your studies, the Governmental Econom...

Market Research Project MRP302B Notes
- Summary • 66 pages • 2024
- R159,00
- 3x sold
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This document contains summaries made for the third year subject Market Research Project MRP302B. This contains all content covered throughout the module, lectures and tutorials and will help with the completion of assignments. 
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